I only lost 9 pounds at my 2 week visit, and my scale at home shows zero loss!

I am pretty sure my scale at home is accurate, because we've calibrated it. I had lost nine pounds less at my two week post op. My doctor said he'd like to see me lose five pounds a week, but I've lost nothing the past week and a half!!! I'm eating what I'm supposed to, when I'm supposed to and walking a mile each day on the treadmill. I'm afraid I'm not going to lose this weight. I'm one of his smaller patients, so he said I would lose slower, but that five pounds a week is putting a lot of pressure on me!!! I'm getting depressed over it. Any suggestions? Or should I just relax and let my body do what it needs to? I'm the type whose body shuts down if it thinks its starving.    — Angie K. (posted on January 26, 2003)

January 26, 2003
Relax...<b>put the scale away!</b>...continue to try to get in the protein and water each day. Don't let your doctor pressure you...JR (open RNY 07/17 -142 pounds)
   — John Rushton

January 26, 2003
It can get frustrating, but do not worry, you WILL lose a ton of weight! Like John said, put away the scale for now. The worst thing I did was weight myself everyday for the first 2 months, i was obsessed and it got me nowhere except for worrying! Some people don't lose fastly at first, but you eventually will. And don't let anyone pressure you either, your body is going to do what it needs to, and it just went through a major change, so it is adjusting. I lost 30lbs the first month and 10 lbs each additional. Some people lose 30 lbs every month, so only lose 10 lbs every few months. Everyone is different and you will see that. I even went on a plateau after 3 weeks. It's all in the journey of WLS. Congrats on this weight loss, it's just the beginning! :)
   — Lezlie Y.

January 31, 2003
Hi, There could be several reasons why your weight isn't dropping, and you still could be losing fat. Maybe your walking is building muscle. Also, you may not be eating enough, and your body has gone into starvation mode. Finally, if you are drinking lots of fluids, perhaps you are retaining some. I've been retaining fluids because I drink and eat more salty foods than before. Good luck! <br>
   — Beth S.

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