I also was feelin like I was eating too much but after reading the other postings

I feel like I'm normal. I'm envious of these people though that have absolutely no appetite. Will they lose more weight than the people who have appetites from the start? Because I've had a appetite from day 1 and I thought I would barely be able to eat 2 tsp.of food and not be hungry.Last night at Taco Bell I had a pintos n cheese(easy on sauce and cheese) and was not stuffed. Will I be able to lose my weight or will I just keep wanting more?Is anyone 6mo. post-op that felt like this from the start or is it going to be a struggle for me to lose every pound?    — Jennifer T. (posted on January 17, 2003)

January 17, 2003
Jennifer, I was ravenous early post. I never had that so called honeymoon phase where a bite of this or that filled me. I ate pintos and cheese from Taco Bell my first month surgeon has you eating solids before you leave the hospital btw. I was hungry often. What I did to fight that feeling was, eat. I still eat often, even now, at 18 months post. I watch my calories closely and eat low fat. That's just my take on things. I know the majority watch carbs. I feel it's whatever works for you. I do feel that I was a slower looser, but I am taking it further than any one of my friends that had the same surgery around the same time, with similar stats...And they started out with little or no appetite. So yes, even if you have an appetite and hunger pangs now you can be successful. I started at 282, am currently 135, and working towards 125 (I'm 5'2.5"). The beauty of the surgery is, even if you feel hungry, a reasonable (average person size) portion, satisfies. Now, an average meal for me is a small sandwich, and an oz of fatfree chips for instance. Or a serving (pouch) of hot cereal sweetened with Splenda and oz of ff milk and a piece of fruit. I eat a few sweets through the day, but they are portion controlled and between 100-200 cal each. Just be careful if you are a dumper, which I am. A half cup of ice cream *or* a small piece of cake at a party does me good...but both together have me in the bathroom with the sweats and vomiting, even now at 18 months. I average 1800 cal a day. But that is just an average...some days I eat around 1400-1500 others I can log in at around 2100-2200. Fight the hunger by eating, just pick healthier, lower cal (or carb) choices. My opinion...hope it helps. -Kim open RNY 7/17/01 -147
   — KimBo36

January 17, 2003
I am 8 months post op and I have always eaten everything I wanted. I do try and eat healthier than I did pre-op but I am a working mother of four. I still eat Taco Bell and Pizza Hut and everything else that four kids eat. I lost over 100 pounds in the first five months and hit goal so I didn't doom myself. Read my profile for examples of what I eat.
   — Linda A.

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