Ulcers-anyone use Protonix?

My ulcer seems to have not gone away so my doctor switched me from prevacid to Protonix. My question for all that have taken this is, How easily is this absorbed. The pharamacist told me it takes quite a while for it to dissolve. I thought we couldn't take medications that didn't disolve immediately? How are you doing on this Med and does it not wash out of the pouch? I am so confused. I posted this last night but it never showed up, so I am sorry if it double posts. Thats for your help.    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on January 15, 2003)

January 15, 2003 of my WLS friends had an ulcer and used Protonix. She had really good luck with it and felt so much better within days of starting it. She didnt have any problems absorbing it and it healed her ulcer in about two months of use. I hope that helps and you start feeling better soon. Wendi Open RNY 9/19/02 down 76 lbs
   — lovemonterey

January 15, 2003
HI, I have an ulcer and my surgeon took me off protonix and on to Prevacid, because he said timed release meds don't work for me since I am distal. I open up the capsule and it is tasteless so I sprinkle it on a spoonful of applesauce. I go tommorrow for a checkup and then another endoscopy in Feb. My surgeon said large marginal ulcers sometimes lead to fistulas so we really need to take this seriously. Good luck and let's hope these ulcers do indeed heal, whatever we use.
   — Carolyn G.

January 15, 2003
My boss is on something called Aciphex (probably not spelled right - pronounced ass-if-ex), it is a tiny pill and dissolves rather quickly. She calls it her miracle pill. Talk to your Dr. and see if it would help you. I know that there was a lot of trial and error for her at first, but this one does the job. Good luck!
   — Dana B.

January 15, 2003
Hi! I don't have ulcers, but I do have gas reflux and hiatel hernia. I am on Protonix now. In the past I was on Prilosec, then Prevacid, and now Protonix. (It seems got a P thing going here, LOL.) I thought the samething about not being able to take medicine that doesn't dissolve quickly, but I ask my doc and he said I could. I think the main thing is to stay on a schedule and keep it in your system. Because of the wls you aren't able to absorb medication like you are suppose to. The main thing I've been told by my docs is to find the right med that works and stay on a schedule. Over time I have gotten to where the med didn't work, so I was switched to another. I hope this helps some. All this stuff can be confusioning, but hang in there and continue to ask all the questions you want until you are satisfied. Good luck-Teri
   — Teri V.

January 15, 2003
Thanks everyone for your answers. I guess I will try this medicine for a while and If it works then try something else if it doesn't. Hopefully it will, the pain is terrible. Thanks again.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 16, 2003
Why couldn't you use a tablet crusher? I'm pre-op and I like my Protonix, but if I needed it post-op I'd definitely crush it first, unless someone or a dr. had a good reason not to.
   — cddgo

May 1, 2003
My surgeon puts everyone on Protonix when they leave the hospital. I was getting Pepsid IV during my whole stay. They give you a month's supply of Protonix. However, after my first month I found I still needed it. I had what felt like severe hunger pangs (constantly), which within a week turned into horrible gastric pain. I called the doctor, and they told me that half of all post-ops need it for another month. It's been almost five months now, and I still need it; however at four months it wasn't working as well. I was back to the constant "hunger" and burning two hours after eating. When the pain became more centralized (under the right side of my chest) I went to the doctor. They believe I might have an ulcer and put me on Pepsid. Now, I take both Protonix and Pepsid. The doctor informed me that Protonix can have breakthrough symptoms. I woke up the moring after beginning the Pepsid; and for the first time in weeks, I didn't feel like I was starving. and the pain under my right rib cage was gone. I take 40mg of Pepsid after dinner and 40mg of Protonix in the morning.
   — Lisa P.

May 1, 2003
Sorry to contradict a previous poster, but the instructions with my Protonix say DO NOT CRUSH OR SPLIT!! I have been taking Protonix since my open RNY 10/21/03 with no problems whatsoever, it has been really helpful in controlling my reflux and heartburn. Good luck
   — Linda 1.

September 19, 2003
hi stacy,hope you are feeling better,i wanted to add to the other post that my pcp will be changing my protonix to a non pill formula after my wls,ever heard of it? ask your dr. if he knows of a powder or spray formula.i am anxious to find out for myself to.good luck!
   — kathy L.

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