I need information about eating mini meals through-out the day instead of 3 meals.

I've always eaten 2-3 meals a day but now at 9 months post-op my appetite has suddenly hit full force and I feel like eating constantly. I don't want to revert to grazing all day long but the time between my meals seems too long now. I could really use some advice on eating mini-meals. How often? How much at a time? Are people still successful at losing weight eating frequently throughout the day or will I just be consuming too many caleries? Thanks for any info you can give me! God Bless, Leah    — Leah H. (posted on January 13, 2003)

January 13, 2003
I've been eating 5-6 small meals a day since my operation last July and have lost 139 pounds as of last Saturday. Keep your total calories at the level that your surgeon/nutritionist has set for you and you will be fine. How often? About every 2-3 hours....JR (open RNY 07/17 -139#)
   — John Rushton

January 13, 2003
In addition, try using protein for your snacks. I snack on thin slices of lean meat, milk, boiled egg, peanut butter on a spoon. I keep these items available at all times so I won't be tempted to go for the easy carbs. My favorite is lean thin slices of BoarsHead ham. I've found if I eat more often, in portion sizes about the size of an egg, I will be less likely to overeat when it is time for a meal, because I'm not overly hungry at that time
   — Darlene P.

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