What alcholic drinks are tolerable?

I want to preface this question by saying: a) I do not drink regularly -- maybe once every month or two; b) I will not drink alcohol until I've cleared it with my surgeon, and that won't be for at least a few more months; c) I recognize that alcoholic beverages are empty calories. I state all this up front so that hopefully I can avoid recriminations and hostility. Now, the question: I am going on vacation in a few months, and would like to be able to have a drink while I'm out with friends. What alcoholic drinks are most tolerable -- I (obviously) want to avoid sugar, and I would imagine, carbonated beverages. Can anyone tell me what they've drank -- and how it has affected them? Thanks in advance.    — Tamara K. (posted on December 11, 2002)

December 11, 2002
OK, I hope I don't get bashed for this one. First of all I do not drink all the time, however, I do like to go out sometimes. I can drink anything I want. I prefer wine but I have also had beer, hard lemonade, and mixed drinks (Make sure they don't have too much sugar) The only difference is my tolerance has changed. Two is my limit now. You can get drunk really easy after surgery!!!! I made the mistake of having four galsses of wine one night over several hours and I was bombed. My husband says that I am a cheap date now.
   — Linda A.

December 11, 2002
I know there are those who bash...but please don't! I go out maybe once a month and am able to have a glass or two of wine....I soooo miss Baccardi & Coke and shots of polish brandy, but I have not and will NOT go there...I am happy that I am able to have a glass of wine or two, but would not push it. I do feel the effects of the wine rather quickly...It is full of empty calories, however, I work out and haven't even hit my 5 month anniversary date and am already right on the cusp of my first goal of 100lbs...I am sitting at 98! Just don't over do it..the last thing needed is to be sitting on a liver list in 10 wise!
   — Trish R.

December 11, 2002
I like wine, preferably merlot, burgundy, pino noir, or red zinfandel. The white wines are too sweet and may cause problems for RNY patients who dump. Beer doesn't set well with me because of the carbonation, even though I'm 15 months out.
   — artistmama

December 11, 2002
Cape Cod's, vodka and cranberry juice
   — Laurie B.

December 11, 2002
My preference is vodka. I particularly like Absolut Mandarin or Grey Goose Orange with club soda and a piece of lemon (the club soda usually has very little fizz when mixed this way). Or, I'll have vodka with any kind of juice if I want something a little sweeter. I don't care for wine much because it just makes me sleepy, but that's just my choice.
   — Leslie F.

December 11, 2002
I don't drink too often also, but when I have a drink at home or at a friends I usually mix vodka with some sort of Crytal Light (not the teas) or Diet Snapple (usually diet raspberry/cranberry), the best is low calorie Minute Maid Lemonaide though. I hope this helps.
   — Jeanese N.

December 11, 2002
Tamara, I'm the same as you....maybe one drink a month. I've called some wineries in California and Michigan and spoken to wine makers personally and have found that California wines CAN NOT have added sugar. It's against California law to add sugar because it somehow affects the judging of the wines. Michigan is different.....the St. Julian wine maker told me that Michigan does not have this law and therefore, Michigan wines will usually have added sugar; however, it is Beet sugar, which I understand some folks can tolerate. As for harder drinks, I know of people who drink beer (personally, I don't like the stuff!). My favorite drink is equal amounts of orange juice and pineapple juice over ice and then have the bartender had Parrot Bay Coconut Rum or Malibu coconut rum (no sugar is in either of these). Hope this helps! I've also found sugar-free drink mixers on line (Pina Colada, Strawberry Daquiri, and Margarita mixers) that are very tasty!
   — Lynette B.

December 11, 2002
I have had wine, Cape Cod's and Cosmopolitans. Just remember that it will hit you a lot harder than it did pre-op. I also eat about 20mins before I drink. Seems to slow down the buzz a little. (Not that I drink that often...5-6 drinks since April surgery.) Happy Holidays to you!
   — Leah H.

December 12, 2002
I do fine with see breazes. (Vodka, cranberry juice and grapefruit guice.) As the others have said, it gets to you a lot quicker. My husband says I am a cheap date now!
   — Amber L.

December 12, 2002
hi there :) i very very rarely drink but have tried a lite beer since surgery and it agreed with me ok except i felt it much faster then i would have pre op. at my now sister in laws bachelorette party, they were doing a group shot to the new bride to be, i had maybe 2 sips of mine and thought id nearly die, i was sick as sick gets, it felt as if something was ganna blow out of my chest and i hugged the toilet all night after that. i think it may of had vodka in it, not sure, anyhoo, on the rare occasion i may drink, im stickin with the of luck to you :)
   — carrie M.

December 12, 2002
Tamara-- I don't know if you like beer...but GUINNESS is great---it has less carbonation and therefore is easier on the pouch--or so say I. Cheers!
   — Karen K.

December 12, 2002
I drink Tequila Sunrises. With 2 I have a very good buzz, with 3 I have a hard time standing. An hour, hour & 1/2 after I finish my drink, I'm completely sober. Sad but true. I could start over if I wanted to. I'd like to try vodka, I hear it has less calories. The Tequilla may be why I'm not losing right now, I've had about 8 drinks in the last 2 wks and I haven't lost any weight. I'm 4 months post-op and 78 lbs down. Since I can't eat, I have to deal with stress some way. :~) Just kidding!
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 12, 2002
I, too, rarely drink, but when I do, I usually drink wine. White Zinfadel is my favorite, but 1/2 a glass and I'm feeling fine! A full glass does me in. I have also tried champagne, but its fizzy and I ended up burping and hiccuping too much.
   — Cindy R.

December 12, 2002
Check the library. Several months ago, someone posted a very long list of drinks that worked really well with post op.
   — Sharon H.

December 12, 2002
Hi Tamara, I am almost 11 months post-op and down 90 lbs. I drank occasionally prior to surgery and have had a few drinks after surgery. I have found that I do not tolerate any of the Kahlua (sp?) drinks well (white russians, mudslides, etc), maybe the Kahlua or milk is too heavy for my stomach. I do tolerate vodka well, so I choose vodka sour, maddress (sp? - it is vodka, cranberry juice and orange juice), or even sex on the beach (same as maddress only they add peach schnapps - delicious!!). I can only drink two drinks MAX, and that is in like a 5-hour time frame. But, wow, the buzz after just one is incredible! I enjoy it, and as I said before, don't do it that often. Have fun and good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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