I am scheduled for a TT in January and need to know from those who have had a TT

What kind of compresson garment is the best? Also and maybe I should say this first, the most inexspensive for me. Iam a single mom and have to pinch every penny. Also, how do I measure for one? I am lost and need some guidance! :)    — Marcie B. (posted on November 27, 2002)

November 27, 2002
I had my TT done at the end of September. My binder was provided by the hospital that I stayed in. Check with your plastic surgeon and he or his assistant can let you know what will be provided. They put my binder on in surgery. The next day they had to get a size smaller because the one from the surgery was too big. You shouldn't have to spend money on a binder. That's what your insurance is for. If you are self pay then the cost quoted to you should include a binder. Be sure to ask! Good luck!
   — Janie C.

November 27, 2002
I'm sitting here in my compression garment as we speak (or write) after my abdominoplasty on 11/19. My plastic surgeon provided 2 garments from Veronique, but by far the most comfortable garments can be found at I bought a couple more from Marena, and brought them to show my PS at my follow-up visit, and she loved them! None of these garments are cheap, but you'll be wearing them for a long time, so if you can financially swing it, go for it. Good luck with your TT! I'm lovin' the new bod!
   — Leslie F.

November 27, 2002
I am one year post-op from an anchor incision tummy tuck. My plastic surgeon doesn't require compression garments, and I have a beautifully flat and tight tummy. If you have insurance covering your tummy tuck and your surgeon requires a compression binder, then he should write a prescription for it so that you can file it with your insurance. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

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