Is fainting a problem?

If I don't eat at least some suger during my day or if I go throughout the whole day without eating, I feel very weak. Now I know you're probably saying, "duh, if you don't eat, you will feel weak!!" I know that, well my question is, is that I'm 285 lbs. and if I feel faint (weak) if I don't get any suger during my day now, then what am I going to feel like if i'm only eating a few bites of food per meal and I can't take in any suger as a post-op?    — Ashley T. (posted on November 16, 2002)

November 16, 2002
Hi, I have to say that you can have natural sugars. So maybe that you can have that type but not he bad type thats extra type sugar. And do you know if its just a unconsious mental thing? That you think you feel weak and stuff if you don't eat any sugar. It might not be true. But it just popped in my and thought it might could happen. Also you can use other types of sugar substitutes. So that could help also. But i hope this helps a little.
   — Starla W.

November 16, 2002
Pre-op I was hypoglycemic. So far so good, 5 months out. My nutritionist said that with this surgery since you eat small balanced meals throughout the day, you sugar level will actually be more stable and your symptoms will improve. This is so true for me. Now, on days that I'm not hungry and don't eat enough, I definitely feel the effects of not eating. However, as long as I eat my small, high protein meals, I feel better than ever. Protein keeps your sugar in balance and you will break the cycle of needing to boost your energy by eating sugar. Good luck!!!
   — cjabates

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