What is a healthy daily

I am 13mos Post...I am always hitting plateaus...bouncing back & forth between the same 4-6...& then finally I'll up & lose 4-6 plus 2lbs. I seem to do this for 2-3 months...{EX} 199, lose 7lbs-192 either remain there or gain & lose the same 4-6lbs for atleast 2months. I have always been like this...I have lost 88lbs in 13mos. I am so worried that I may regain my weight. Please give me any suggestions on how to jump start my weightloss. Thx in advance! ............................................................    — RisQue (posted on November 11, 2002)

November 11, 2002
Hello there....I am by far NOT an expert on this but I am 13 months post op so I wanted to share my experience with you. I am still losing, albeit slowly, but still losing. I too plateau and I have noticed I will stay the same for a few weeks and then drop a little. I have lost 170lbs and have about 20 (dr. goal) to 30 (my goal!) to go. I try to keep my calorie intake under 1200 a day, sometimes I am under 1000 but usually closer to 1200. Once I reach my goal I am going to increase it so I can maintain. My dietician said I am right on the money with this formula and its working for me so this is what I use. I try to keep my carbs under 60gs a day and fat under 30gs a day. I get in anywhere from 70-100 grams of protein a day-if I am doing a big workout I up my protein, but thats just me. More protein is more calories so I have to plan accordingly. I try to exercise at least 5 times a week but I am ok if I only get in 3 or 4. I life weights at least 3 times a week, no exceptions there. I found this really helped firm and tone my skin and I love my arms!(Not many bypass patients can say that!) I love definition and seeing results. My advice for jumpstarting weight loss-B2B-back to the basics-high protein, low fat/carbs (but don't eliminate either), plenty of water (I drink about a gallon a day, but thats a bit extreme), and exercise. Those are the ingredients (along with this wonderful tool we have been given) to a good weight loss and it will make maintaining a lot easier once you have developed certain habits. Good luck, email me if you have any questions. 10/10/01-13 mos post op-down 170lbs-318/148/126.
   — Alli B.

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