I saw my dr friday for my 7 week post op check. I have lost 28 lbs in 7 weeks.

He said to eat 700 calories a day, no protein shakes and 3 meals a day, no snacking. Do others snack to get in extra protein? I walk 2 miles every day and haven't lost for 3 weeks. What am I doing wrong??    — jojo63 (posted on September 22, 2002)

September 22, 2002
Hi Hon, I think you are doing fantastic, your body is just adjusting to the new little tummy you gave it and will take time to lose the weight you have carried for so long. You maybe losing inches when you are not losing pounds so keep that in mind. You should follow your surgeons program, however, You yourself knows your body better then anybody, thus being my opinion, if you feel you need something, such as extra protien, then have a protien shake, I was told not to have protien shakes but when I was lacking protien, it was all I could do to get the protien in. I wasnt going to go deprive my body of what it needs because my surgeons program was against protien shakes. As far as snacking goes, ya ya ya we are not suppose to snack but you know what, we are only human, just think moderation if you choose to. I for one, snack, but when that scale dosnt more for over a week, out the door snacking goes, and I dont snack till I loose and loose what I have set for myself. From 280 highest weight, I am down to 169/170, So my advice is, do follow your surgeons plan but also listen to your body and dont deprive it of what it needs protien protien protien, and water lots of it....& exercise!
   — Deanna Wise

September 22, 2002
I know how you feel!! I'll be eight weeks post op on Wednesday, and I've only lost 25 pounds. However, I have seen a major drop in inches. Therefore, it may help to take some measurements. My dietician said everything looked good. So, you're not alone. Hang in there!! Tiffany
   — Tiffany D.

September 22, 2002
Colleen, I noticed on your profile that you are at a lower end BMI than many, as I was when I started this journey. You can not base your looses by anyone else. Each one of us looses differently. I told myslef that in the beginning but remember a disappointment or two when I wasnt loosing as fast as it felt everyone else was. Also the walking is great. I am doing the same, and it slowed my weight loss down, but because I am building muscle, and muscule weight more than fat. Loosing slower may also reduce the amount of excess flab. Make sure you are following your doctors program, stay healthy, and be patient. If it takes two extra months to get to goal, but you are healthy and fit, that is worthwhile time spent. Take care,
   — Nene B.

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