Can a post op 22 years later if she is just starting to gain have revision

if she doesn't meet NIH guidelines for surgery. I have an Aunt who had stapling done 22 years ago lost 200 pounds and has kept most of it off until now. She has recently gained 50 pounds or so back but I just found out that she has vomitted every day of her life since the surgery. She says she would do it again in a heart beat but I was curious does a post op have to qualify weight wise if they are regaining. I think an RNY revision would make her feel so much better and hopefully calm the vomiting! Just curious. Thanks    — denisel (posted on September 7, 2002)

September 7, 2002
I had the stapling 19 years ago and had a revision to RNY in May of this year. I, too, threw up every day after the first surgery but only 3 times since the revision. I can't help you with whether it will be covered or not - I had gained all my weight back plus 120 more so mine was covered with no problem at all. All I can tell you is that she will definitely feel much better. She just needs to know that the second surgery is much harder than the first, considering it's been so many years and our bodies don't bounce back as well as they did back then. Good luck to her.
   — Vicki H.

September 7, 2002
Vickie- thanks that was a big help :0)
   — denisel

September 7, 2002
My revision was requested when I got confirmation of the staple line disruption. I had gained no wt at all at that point. I have several friends who've been approved for revision without regaining all their wt. Depends on how the doc writes the letter and what mood the insurance company is in. I hope she can be revised to something a little easier to live with!
   — vitalady

September 7, 2002
I also threw up after my first surgery almost daily until I had the second revision in Feb.. I had not gained any weight.. but needed the revision to correct an atonic pouch.. My insurance covered my surgery... but coverage all depends on how the doctor words the letter of medical necessity.. Good luck to your is so much better without daily nausea/ vomiting.. and even fun.. Hugs,
   — Gina Landers

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