I am scheduled to have varicose veins...

injected on Sept.6. The procedure is called Sclerotherapy. Has anyone out there had the procedure or know of anyone who has? I have the large veins (they can inject up to 7mm). I am hesitant to have them stripped because that would mean another surgery. Not possible going to school full-time. Any insight would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance.    — Tina B. (posted on August 24, 2002)

August 25, 2002
I had mine done with saline last summer (prior to my WLS). Cost about $200. I am so happy that I had it done. I had some really ugly blue spider webs on the back of my calves. They looked so ugly that sometimes kids would say things like, "What's that thing on your leg??" I like to wear shorts, and it's hot here in GA, so I just had them taken care of. I would not say it is painless, but it is not painful. Uncomfortable is a better way to describe it. And I would and will do it again if necessary. I feel so much better about how my legs look. Best wishes, Brenda
   — Brenda P.

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