Anyone here succeeded with WLS after reversing a Gastric Segmentation?

Hi All, I'm a newbie to the site and I am interested in finding out if there are people here that have had a Gastric Segmentation Surgery that was later reversed who have gone on to have success with another Weight Loss surgery procedure? I was approved for an RNY back in October of 2000, only to have my surgeon (Dr. Srungaram, Houston, TX) decide that I was too high a risk and back out. After experiencing problems with my Gastric Segmentation 15 years ago that ultimately resulted in a reversal and regaining approximately double the weight back, I was ready to try the RNY, and I was hoping that the knowledge I and the medical community had obtained in the years since my original WLS would result in my having success the second time around, but unfortunately after experiencing problems with another revision patient Dr. Srungaram decided to back out of my surgery, because he felt I was too high risk. At the time I had mixed feelings about this, on the one hand I was relieved that he backed out, if he felt that I was at high risk of dying because I am a happily married 33 yr old (31 at the time) mother of a 7 yr old boy and hated the thought of losing them, but at the same time I was sad, because my weight decreases my quality of life, as well as my health. Since all this happened I have had many failed attempts at losing weight and instead I have only managed to gain an extra 30 pounds so my PCP is urging me to reconsider WLS. I am very open to the idea, but I would very much appreciate hearing any stories or experiences you guys are aware of and wish to share. Thanks in advance for your time, Elsa R. Pasadena, Texas    — Elsa R. (posted on August 17, 2002)

August 18, 2002
Check with Valley Surgical Specialists in Fresno, CA. My doctor there is Dr. Higa. Website address is One of their specialties is revising old surgical procedures to the newer RNY.
   — Jeff N.

August 19, 2002
Elsa~~I think I understand why Dr. Srungaram backed out. He has been getting a lot of bad press lately and isn't too willing to take any risks. However, have you considered another surgeon in the Houston area? Perhaps one of the NeWeigh doctors like Dr. Ferrari (my surgeon). You may be able to find more infomration on the local Houston SG Yahoo! group: Good Luck!
   — Danna B.

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