In all my pictures as a post-op, I appear to have one shoulder higher than the other

I take new pics of me every 4 weeks-in reviewing them, I have noticed my left shoulder is dipped and I appear shorter on one side, and my left arm hangs lower the my right, like I am slouched to one side. I never noticed this as a pre-op (although I hid from all cameras so that could be why). The most recent pic I have taken really shows this difference (I dont think its been posted to my page yet though). I felt like I was standing perfectly straight. Has anyone else ever has this problem? Someone mentioned the possibility of scoliosis but thats a scary thought. I am going to ask my PCP when I see her next but hoped someone out here could offer me some guidance.    — Alli B. (posted on August 16, 2002)

August 16, 2002
See a chiropractor
   — Shannon H.

August 16, 2002
Hi Alli, My daughter who is almost 16 yrs old has scoliosis. She was diagnosed at 13 1/2 yrs of age. She had one shoulder and hip that was higher than the other one but we just thought it was the way she stood. The doctor does a Foward / Adams bending test to see if your spine has a curve. You put your feet together, your arms out straight palms together and slowly bend forward with your arms hanging down like an elephant trunk. An xray is the only way to know for sure what you have. My daughter had a very large S shaped curve that required surgery (spinal fusion). Once I knew what we were looking for I could see the curve and she also had a rib hump on one side. My sister, 2 nieces and a cousin all have scoliosis to a certain degree. But it is not noticable unless you are really looking for it.
   — Kelly B.

August 16, 2002
Take a deep breath. Go talk to your PCP. It could be scoliosis, but don't let that scare you. My husband has it, was never diagnosed, and even served in the military. His was only discovered when our son's was discovered and is now being monitored. Depending upon your age and other factors, the curvature can stop or slow down. As my husband added some pounds, his is less noticable, so perhaps this is only showing up now that you've dropped some weight. Good luck.
   — Mary Ann B.

August 17, 2002
I'm still pre-op so I don't know how weight loss may or may not affect your posture, but I do have scoliosis. Have you ever had a chest xray? I had to have one as part of my pre-op testing, but if you've ever had one, scoliosis would have shown up. I have pretty severe scoliosis with a double curve or 's' shape. I wore a back brace for 4 years, from age 10 to 14. All the docs were concerned about for me was keeping the curves within a certain degree until I stopped growing - then it's over. I have had to do absolutely nothing for it in 17 years. In my opinion seeing a chiropractor might be a good idea for you, but even if you find out that you do have scoliosis, please don't be scared. It is absolutely a non-issue for me! Good luck and congrats on your weightloss!!!
   — trouble5

August 17, 2002
You have your one leg bend back...perhaps that is why...are you standing the same in all pics? You could be worrying for look fantastic!!!
   — MF

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