bleeding since May 2001

Hi everyone! Here is my question... I have PCOS so my periods have never been regular. I started bleeding in May 2001, not a heavy bleeding, just clots (sorry for being so graphic)I had a cat scan they didn't find anything, I had an ultra sound and a biopsy nothing was found. The doctors don't know what it is, blame it on my PCOS and pretty much expect me to live with it. I get bad pains on my pelvic bones. has anyone else had this happen to them, or can anyne offer some advice?    — nicole79 (posted on August 10, 2002)

August 11, 2002
I also have PCOS. Before I had WLS, I bled for 3 years straight, not heavy, sometimes just spotty, but it was everyday for three years. I was put on the pill and it made it stop, but the second i got off, it started right up again. Now, 15 months post op, i am on the Depo shot and only have an occassional breakthrough period that may last at the most 2 weeks. My gyn said though this is kinda unusual, with loosing weight, my body will have these periods. Actually, it's only happened twice, once at 9 months post op, and like last week (so happy - NOT). So, I don't even know if I helped, but just know you aren't alone in having periods that last for eons.
   — Anna F.

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