can anyone tell me if they have a bmi over 40 but really want to lose less than 100 l

   — double D. (posted on August 2, 2002)

August 2, 2002
I'd be happy with a loss of a little bit less than 100 pounds. Interesting question. Why do you ask?
   — Amber L.

August 2, 2002
I was a "super light weight" 201, but for my height, My doc said ( for insurance to pay) that I should weight 100#, now however, he says 120, I'm happy w/ that. my BMI was 41 and many insurances pay for any BMI's over 35 plus comirbids. I too, am wondering why you ask.
   — Cindee A.

August 3, 2002
thanks to you that responded. my girlfriends daughter is right at that bmi..40. if she lost 100# she thinks she would be tooo thin...she has fought with weight her whole life and is considering this surgery, so i told her i would ask. thanks again to all.
   — double D.

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