Can anyone tell me what osteitis condensans illi is?

I have my consult sched for 7/25, I thought I would be proactive and get my medical records to take with me to appt. I have had hip problems for about 7 yrs now - in my file, the ortho dr. said I have "osteitis condensans illi". Is this some form of arthritis? My sis-inlaw is a PT and has never heard of it. I have a bmi of 38-40 (depending on the time of day haha) and I'm wondering if this is considered a co-morbidity (along with my GERD, hi-cholesterol, etc.). Anybody ever hear of this/suffer from it?    — Anne F. (posted on July 20, 2002)

July 20, 2002
I don't have a clue. Only thing I know is that osteitis would mean inflammation of the bone.
   — elainabolser

July 20, 2002
Osteitis Condensans Ilii OCI generally occurs in young, multiparous women. This condition is usually identified on radiographs following pregnancy. There is well defined triangular sclerosis bilaterally and symmetrically on the iliac side of the sacroiliac joint. This condition has been proposed to be the aftermath of ligamentous disruption during pregnancy or parturition. A "low back" syndrome consisting of morning pain, stiffness, and limitation of motion may be seen in patients with this disease.9 OCI is usually a self limiting problem, but can lead to chronic sacroiliac joint pain. In this case, a sacroiliac joint fusion may be necessary. if you put it in a search on your puter you get a lot of info but heeeere is a start... this is were i got this info
   — bekka K.

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