Everytime after I eat I feel weak and very tired.

I feel as though all the energy is drained from me. It only happens after I eat and it doesn't matter what I eat. I thought maybe I was eating some form of sugar and having dumping syndrome but I can eat all protein and it still happens. I'm 4 months post-op, really don't like feeling like this. Anyone know what it could be?    — Angie B. (posted on July 12, 2002)

July 11, 2002
I still have the same thing happen to me and I am 2 years post op. I have heard it's from the blood rushing to you stomach to aid in digestion but I dont know if that is true. I find the only thing that helps me is several small meals during the day rather than one big one. I will say that it gets better as time goes on but if I eat a big meal I will experience the fatigue you talk about. It's not nearly as bad now as it was when I was an early post op
   — Mary G.

July 11, 2002
Hi. I too have had this sensation. I am 7 weeks post op and I believe it is getting less. You do not say how long ago you had WLS. I have no advice to offer. just to know you are not alone!
   — robyn R.

July 11, 2002
Tomorrow is my 8 months anniversary (down 135 lbs) and I till have this same problem. I nor does my doctor know why this happens. I can usually lay down for about 15 minutes and it goes away.
   — Lynda T.

July 12, 2002
Do you drink with or too soon after eating? And how much are you eating? For example, if your pouch was 1 oz to start, are you putting in more than 2 oz now? Sometimes gebtly overstuffing will make me feel like I'm on drugs. Not good drugs. Like someone pulled the plug and I'm slipping down the drain.
   — vitalady

July 12, 2002
Hi, I liken this feeling to the feeling most people get after a big ol' Thanksgiving meal. It is exhausting! Maybe it takes so little to fill us up, that that is what we are experiencing? Comes and goes for me... and the frequency is less now. Hang in there, this is a process and what is true for you today may not be true for you tomorrow. Best wishes,
   — Ann B.

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