I have been using chewable B-12 but now purchased a table but

discovered after I cam home it is a 8 hour time release tablet and was wondering if that would work for me now since I have had the RNY.    — Candace F. (posted on June 2, 2002)

June 2, 2002
My doctor said the pills dont work, he told me I would have to have sublingual or injections for it to work.
   — Susan B.

June 2, 2002
What she said PLUS we don't use timed release if it is the little balls in a cap. The cap is OK, little balls are not.
   — vitalady

June 2, 2002
No, no, no, no NO!!! I'm a year post op and have felt like a piece of sh## since my bypass. And absolutely NO energy. Well a few days ago (maybe a week or two) someone posted a quesion about time release Welbutrin SR. Well I was taking that and it was'nt helping anymore and I had no idea why. Now I'm on regular Welbutrin, my vitamins are no longer time release, nor is my potassium supliments. Now I need to find out what else I may be on that is timed released. I still don't have any energy, but at least I feel better. And now I believe the energy will come back as I'm feeling better everyday. If someone had'nt of posted that question a few days ago, I'd still be feeling poorly. DON'T DO TIME RELEASE! They don't work for us anymore.
   — Danmark

June 3, 2002
Hi ! I for one is a believer in either liquid or sublingual B-12!! I just had my labs done and was amazed at how high my B-12 count was!! The range is 180-914 and mine was 971!!!So forget the time release junk vitamins! By the time they kick in, they are already going down the street in the sewer line!! Good Luck..
   — Laura G.

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