
Help! I had my Lap RNY 4 weeks ago, on April 24th. I hate to sound like a cry baby, but why have I only lost 17 lbs in 4 weeks. Yes, I am thrilled that I have lost any weight, and it is 17 lbs. that I WOULDN'T have lost without the WLS, but c'mon! I am excercising regularly at my gym, and eating about 600 calories per day, sometimes a bit more. Getting in the protein, getting in the water, etc. Is this just because I am 5'7" and weight 214 lbs.? I mean, that IS obese, but not "morbidly obese". I expected a bit slower a rate of loss than most on this site, but at only 4 weeks out it has slowed to 1 pound per week and that is S L O W!!! Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!    — Vanessa H. (posted on May 21, 2002)

May 21, 2002
I know you must be frustrated, but look at it this way, if you lose 4.25 lbs a week (your run rate right now)in 6 months you will of lost 110 lbs , making you weight 104 lbs and you will be underweight. 6 months is going to come and go anyway in your life, just think how exciting it is that you will lose so much weight in 6 months time God Bless
   — Jeri P.

May 21, 2002
Hi Vanessa*S* I know the feeling. Like you, I am a "lightweight". But I know why I am not losing. It's called CHEATING!LOL I know you are not but I think you are doing a wonderful job! Hang in there! What I find hard to deal with is the constant question of "How much have you lost"? from friends and family. Obviously this is the rate your body is supposed to lose. Maybe only weigh yourself once a month. That's what I am doing and it makes it alot less stressful. Just keep in mind that this slow weightloss is gone forever!

May 21, 2002
I lost 20 pounds the first 3 weeks then NOTHING for 3 weeks after that. I was so scared it was over for me at 20 pounds lost! I went on to reach goal at 7 months. You are doing the right things. Just don't get discouraged. Keep eating, keep drinking water, and keep exercising. The weight WILL come off. A lot of us went thru this early plateau and, while it is frustrating, it is too early for you to throw in the towel! Keep up the good work and check back in with us in another month or two when you will be a couple sizes smaller and much happier! Don't forget to measure yourself in addition to weighing. You may be losing inches but not pounds, especially if you are working out. Happy losing!
   — ctyst

May 21, 2002
Hi Vanessa- No, you're not the only slow loser out there. I had my WLS,Lap/RNY on 1-8-02 and at my 4 month appt. I had only lost 44lbs. at 4 weeks I had lost only 22lbs now thats really slow. And I'm only 5'and started at 235lbs and I'm still considered at lightweight!! It can really get frustrating reading about all of the huge losses that others are having on this site even though I'm happy for them it makes me feel like a failure. What I've decided to do is to concentrate on how my clothes are feeling and the inches that I'm losing and what food choices I make. Those and how much water I drink are the only things that I have control over. The weight will eventually come off if we keep following the plan and exercisising it just have happen abit slower for some of us. Keep up the good work you really are doing great so don't beat yourself up because thats a diet mentality! Good luck to you. Vicki Mize
   — vmize

May 21, 2002
You may want to increase your calorie intake to 800. 600 calories seems low and your body may think it's starving and you'll stop losing weight.
   — Patty H.

May 21, 2002
I was eating about 500-600 cals a day at one month. Don't try to push it and do more if your pouch isn't ready. The weight will come off, maybe slower than others because you are a lightweight, but that is OK. I also started as a lightweight, 6 mo. post-op, down 76 lbs. Many have lost 100 by that point, but I am thrilled with my results. And I have already lost 83% of my excess. They say that 85% is successful so I am almost already there and it has only been 6 months!! I will also reach goal much quicker than the 'heavyweights' even though they can lose 100 lbs. in 6 months. So don't look at yourself as a slow loser, look at yourself as a 'get to goal quicker'! Oh, and the closer you get to goal, the S-l-o-w-e-r it will become. I lost 6 lbs. last month, and been at a stand still for 3 weeks! Just be aware and expect it to be slow, that way you won't feel so let down. You are doing great, ENJOY your journey!
   — Cheri M.

May 21, 2002
I was eating about 500-600 cals a day at one month. Don't try to push it and do more if your pouch isn't ready. The weight will come off, maybe slower than others because you are a lightweight, but that is OK. I also started as a lightweight, 6 mo. post-op, down 76 lbs. Many have lost 100 by that point, but I am thrilled with my results. And I have already lost 83% of my excess. They say that 85% is successful so I am almost already there and it has only been 6 months!! I will also reach goal much quicker than the 'heavyweights' even though they can lose 100 lbs. in 6 months. So don't look at yourself as a slow loser, look at yourself as a 'get to goal quicker'! Oh, and the closer you get to goal, the S-l-o-w-e-r it will become. I lost 6 lbs. last month, and been at a stand still for 3 weeks! Just be aware and expect it to be slow, that way you won't feel so let down. You are doing great, ENJOY your journey!
   — Cheri M.

May 21, 2002
VAnessa, I KNOW that you want to lose faster and I KNOW that it seems slow to you right now. You are not wrong for feeling that way because so many of us have been there and done that. Here is my "but" though. I lost my weight very fast. (you didn't want to hear that right?). Well, I did but, the catch is that for the first year afterward, I had the worst hanging skin around. I still look anorexic but the hanging skin was so ugly. "If" you lose slower, your body and muscles have a chance to "catch up" and your won't look as "hangy" as I did. Each of us have experienced the good and the bad hon. What is hard for you now, was what I wish happened to me 3 years ago. I think that I would look alot younger at this point. Hang in's gonna come off. Hugs.
   — Barbara H.

May 21, 2002
Wow, I would have thought that I posted this question instead of you! I had my surgery on 4/23/02 and have also only lost 17 or so pounds.. Man oh man, as mean as it might sound, I am SO glad to NOT be alone as a slow loser. I was about ready to post this same question. It looks like you have some great answers and it's really helped me out a lot! I hope it's helped you too! We've come to far to give up, so we just have to fight the fight and let this pass. Keep up the good work!
   — sunsect

May 21, 2002
Vanessa...How I envy you! I am just starting the process for weight loss surgery. I have chosen a doctor and am scheduled for my initial consultation, but surgery is still a long way off. But I wanted to encourage you anyway. I have had so much experience with losing weight and regaining it again, but I did learn an awful lot about weight loss through my experience with a great group in Sacramento called Obesity Treatment Center. I lost 170 lbs. through their program and kept most of it off for about 3 years until I went through a terrible depression a couple of years ago. I don't know what your history is or what you have learned through past experiences, but one thing I wanted to pass on to you that you may not know is that: muscle weighs more than fat. If you are working out a lot at the gym (especially if you are doing any weight training or muscle-building on the equipment) you are adding muscle. You may actually be losing a lot more fat (which is the real objective) than you think. Make sure you get your full protein requirement (your body won't burn fat until this is least that is what I was taught at OTC) and drinking the water is also a key factor in enabling your body to work right in the fat-burning process. Don't get discouraged if you hit a plateau...I noticed that is when you actually start to feel smaller...I think your body is readjusting things during that time. Don't get obsessed with the scale (try not to weigh more than once a week) and keep the faith. Don't get discouraged, you are headed in the right direction and I am sure you will do very well!
   — RedHotKK

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