Has anyone had Aetna HMO ever cover a breast lift?

If so, how did you get it approved? Thanks for the help!    — Michele :. (posted on May 7, 2002)

November 29, 2002
No, answer I have the same question...They approved the removal of old implants, but no lift, or new implants.
   — Glenna S.

March 24, 2003
Yep! I got my insurance (Cigna HMO) to cover my breast lift and a panniculectomy. I am paying extra to upgrade to the abdominoplasty, as it's worth it. BUT I had to appeal the initial denial. I wrote a strongly researched and worded letter. Quoted lots of NHI lingo, etc. Good luck!
   — lisachris

November 30, 2004
I am looking for a brest reduction ' i am a 48dd need to know some informatin io this PLEASE;;;
   — carolyn W.

November 30, 2004
A reduction is much easier to get coverage for than a lift. Document back pain, shoulder pain etc. go to the doctor if you have even a little back pain and discuss with them the effect of the heaviness of your breasts on your back pain. If you get grooves in your shoulders from your bra take pictures.
   — **willow**

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