Who has had a pregnancy after a tummy tuck?

I have a friend that has had no children yet. Can she have plastic surgery after her WLS and then have kids? She is now 10 months post-op and down 130, 30 years young. Thanks.    — Angela S. (posted on April 26, 2002)

April 26, 2002
Angela, I'd also like to see an answer to this question! It always seemed to make sense to me to wait until after childbearing to have the plastic surgery, but I don't know of anyone who's had to go down this road. I'll be checking back on this question!!
   — Sarah C.

April 26, 2002
I wish I could help, but I have no idea. However, there is an OSSG pregnancy group on Yahoo where you'll probably find people who do know. Go to, click on groups and then search for OSSG pregnancy. The OSSG stands for Obesity Surgery Support Group. There are many of them on Yahoo and this one is devoted to post-WLS pregnancy.
   — garw

April 27, 2002
I spoke to a plastic surgeon several months ago and asked him about this. If I remember correctly, it was a question on the board at that time and nobody seemed to know the answer. His response was that you CAN have a tummy tuck and then get pregnant BUT....odds go up that you'll have a c-section delivery. A tummy tuck involves cutting and tightening the abdominal muscles. Because the tummy tuck "compromises" the abdominal muscles, you end up with a c-section. Please note: He did comment that a panni does NOT compromise these muscles because, generally, the muscles aren't cut during a panni. Finally, he commented that while it was possible, it wasn't advisable. He would prefer that a patient have the children first and THEN do the tummy tuck.
   — Pam S.

April 29, 2002
I had a tummy tuck in 97, and in 99 I got pregnant. I didn't have any problems. The only thing I notice was the baby seemed be higher than my first pregnacy. I beleive this was because of the lower abdominal was so tight.Also just in the first couple of months the tendens streching was painful at times, but if it is your first pregnacy this happens anyway. It goes away.The most important thing was that I had a vaginal delivery. This is amazing because my first I had a c-section.So the answer it is possible, and you can have a normal delivery
   — christine H.

April 29, 2002
I want to add a question to this. Does pregnancy following tummy tuck ruin the tummy tuck? Thanks! I have been trying to find out the answer to this because I am in this position.
   — Michele :.

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