I am post-op lap RNY..I was just wondering do certian drugs effect us differently now

I was just wondering if meds. whether prescription or over the counter will work as well for me post-op RNY? For example if the Dr. calls in a antibiotic for me will it be as effective or may it not work as well? Same thing with over the counter pain meds? Will they still be as effective since we don't absorb things as we use to? Has anyone had any problems with this? Also side effects. When it says may upset stomach does it seem to upset your stomach now more than it did before? If so what was done to help? Thanks!    — Allison T. (posted on April 25, 2002)

April 25, 2002
I was told by my doctor's office to not use anything for pain except Tylenol. They told me that we are more susceptable to ulcers after the surgery and that anything with aspirin (Excedrin, Aleve and so on) is not a good choice. Of course other doctor's usually have different opinions on all factors. It is best to check with your surgeon's office for a list of medicines that they prohibit. Good luck.
   — Janie C.

April 25, 2002
The one other thing I've heard about is not to take sustained release meds. It does make sense that anything that is supposed to break down and release into your system over several hours wouldn't work that way post-op.
   — garw

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