Anyone move post-op?

Hi! I am almost five months post op and have found out that I may be transferred about 15 hours (by car) from my surgeon who did my roux-n-y. I am concerned about follow up care. Will another surgeon in the area (Minneapolis) be willing to pick me up or do they not want to deal with another surgeon's work. I am not sure I would be able to get back to my original surgeon everytime I needed a follow up. Has anyone else been through a similar situation and how did you handle it? Any help would be appreciated! Thank you so much!    — purdue_1993 (posted on April 17, 2002)

April 17, 2002
I will be moving in a few months and had the same concern. I'm five months post op and I know my doc would like me to keep seeing him. Anyway, he knows colleagues in this business and recommended someone near where I move. He will talk to them right before I go. I don't think having someone else do the followup care is a big deal if you are a ways out. I'd ask your surgeon for a recommendation. good luck. Meredith
   — Meredith P.

April 18, 2002
I moved 4 months after surgery from Chicago to Washington DC. I looked up in this website found a Bariatric Surgeon gave him a call and ask if he would take post op patients, he did so I get my consultations blood work everything with the new Dr. He will do my hernia repair and tummy tuck now, so it worked out fine.
   — Monica J.

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