Bruising after B-12 shots

I have had 3 B-12 shots post-op. One at Dr.'s office and 2 at home. All 3 times I have immediately developed a reddish, purplish bruise. The nurse thought the bruising was odd and said it normally didn't happen, but the 2 times I've done it at home myself have produced the same results. Does anyone else have this happen to them?    — Jennifer C (posted on April 13, 2002)

April 13, 2002
Any time you have an injection, there is the possibility of bruising. I take 2 insulin injections every day and I get a bruise from them every now and again. When the needle goes into your body, there is always a chance that you can hit a small blood vessel and that will cause a bruise.
   — garw

April 13, 2002
I run about 50/50 on this. I started to poke the other night & it hurt, so I moved the needle down a few inches and proceeded with no ouch at all. Where I DID the successful one, no mark. The one I only started? red-purple "stupid" marks. Maybe it's HOW? Maybe it's WHERE? Maybe you need vit C and/or iron, but labs will tell you that one.
   — vitalady

April 14, 2002
I had one small bruise when the nurse gave me my first shot, never bruised doing it myself. The only difference that I noticed in the way the shot was given, she sorta stabbed straight in, I slowly and gently insert the needle straight in (I'm a whimp).
   — Melissa W.

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