Anyone that was infertile before WLS had a baby after that didn't think they could?

I am 7 months post op and have pcos & endometriosis. I am hoping that I will be able to have a baby. I don't want to try until I am about 18 mo post-op but I was just curious to see if anyone had a baby that was infertile before surgery had a baby post op that didn't think they would?    — Yvonne C. (posted on April 1, 2002)

April 1, 2002
I'll let you know in a few months myself......
   — Karen R.

April 1, 2002
Well, I know that my doctor told me that post op I should be careful about birth control if I don't want to become pregnant, because pre op it's harder to become pregnant with all the extra weight, then people lose the weight and think they are infertile...and oops!
   — Cassandra G.

April 1, 2002
A doctor never confirmed that I was infertile before, but I am having my first child now post op after losing over 150 lbs.
   — Cristy K.

April 1, 2002
A good friend of mine - who inspired me to go through with WLS myself, became pregnant 3 months after her surgery and losing 125 pounds. She'd been infertile for almost 11 or 12 years and wasn't expecting to ever be able to have kids - a very tough thing for her to accept. Her absolutely beautiful, healthy wonderful daughter turns 1 this week! Keep your spirits up - it happens a lot!
   — ceg727

April 1, 2002
I had a daughter 10 years ago and since then wasnt able to get pregnat again due to my weight of 305lbs. I had WLS on 1/13/00 and lost over 150lbs. On my 2 yr WLS anniversary I gave birth to twin baby boys..twins dont even run in my family...THATS how fertile I was after surgery. You can check out me and my babies at this website Debbie
   — Debbie M.

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