for a total day's calories, do i need to replace what i burn when i exercise

example; if i consume 800 calories a day, but burn 300 exercising, do i need to add another 300 calories to my day? i've been the same weight for several weeks now and i'm wondering if i'm not getting enough food. i'm not hungry at all but i always get in at least 800 cal/60 gram protein. i'm six months post-op rny. do i also need to up my protein grams? thanks for any help. jessica    — Jessica O. (posted on March 13, 2002)

March 12, 2002
That's a great question, Jessica. I think upping your protien may help since, when you work out, you are breaking down muscle, and you need lots of protein to rebuild it. Even 100-200 extra protein calories/day may do the trick. Be sure to drink lots of water, too. Good luck!
   — Terissa R.

March 12, 2002
you should ask surgeons office or pcp bec high doses of protein can effect liver and kidneys AND careful
   — Jackiis

March 12, 2002
I would try eating more and see if it helps, your near the hibernation point and your body may be trying to save itself. Eat more protein. but how many carbs are you getting in? You should eat at least 30 grams of complex carbs. We need carbs to live, along with some fat. Call your nutronist for more info.
   — bob-haller

March 12, 2002
Look at the food pyramid, and try to follow it as best you can starting with Protein first. Get a well rounded Diet, and you will be fine. I do not take any Supplements except for a childrens chewable vitamin. I have been steadily losing week after week. I was on a month long plateau when I was on a protein Supplement, so I don't think that those things are really worth it. Just eat as well balanced a meal as you can according to the food pyramid set by the USDA starting with Protein first.
   — sbinkerd1

March 13, 2002
I hate to wreck the party here but I have to disagree with several comments made here. First up...60 grams of protein is not too much, maybe not enough. Remember, we malabsorb. Second, I started protein supplementing at 4 months and I did see a difference in my weight loss, it sped up. And the third thing is that the food pyramid is not for us!! It goes totally against what we should be doing. It recommends getting the most of your diet from carbs, which should be the lowest. Protein is way up there next to the fats and oils, saying we should consume very little. It should be the first thing we consume. This is how 'our pyramid' should look like. First on the bottom (the most of) Protein, then veggies and fruits, then carbs, then fats and oils. Do not follow the guide given by the USDA, they did not have a by-pass. And Jessica, I think you have a great question. Sounds like one Michelle Curran should weigh in on!!
   — Cheri M.

March 13, 2002
You didn't say if you're trying to "eat" that much protein or if all or part are in supplement form. Predigested protein doesn't ravage the organs in the same way food proteins do. If you're working out, I'd surely say to add a quick 30g protein supp within 45 min of your exercise. That's the time that it does the most good for anyone. I have a dry one in my gym bag and drink it on the way out the door. It's not the tasties device I make, but hey, 3 swigs & I've got my 30g fast, when I need it. I take ALL of my protein via supps, count no foods toward it. But this is always an "extra" one for me.
   — vitalady

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