What can I eat to avoid a gall bladder attack?

Based on what I've read in the library, I believe I'm suffering from gall bladder attacks. My pouch feels like it hurts and it goes straight through to my back. I can't sit still or get in a comfortable position and it usually lasts at least 1 hour. With the last 2 attacks, I threw up 3 times each. I have an appointment with my surgeon tomorrow to see for sure what's wrong but I'm scared to death to eat. I don't know what's triggering them (the first one I know was probably hot sauce) and last night it started right before bed and I hadn't eaten anything in several hours. Is there anything I can eat that's safe or that won't trigger it? Can I just drink juice or will the sugar hurt? Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated. I never knew there was this kind of pain! I'd rather have a baby!!! Thanks all    — Amy E. (posted on February 27, 2002)

February 27, 2002
I had my gallbladder out 2 years before I had WLS. After having several attacks (I was pregnant so they wouldn't take it out right away) I was told to eat low or zero FATS. I lived like that successfully for a year before I had it taken out. Good Luck
   — Missy M.

February 27, 2002
Well, I don't know if the 'no fats' plan is going to work. When my gallbladder first started attacking me, I had been on a practically NO fat diet for the previous year. Unfortunately, you may just have to live with it until you get it taken out. I found the best position to get comfortable in (AFTER taking my pain killers, that is) was to get on the bed, get on your hands and knees and grab a pillow an push it up into your ribs in the middle where you gallbladder is and keep it pushed up in there until the pain passes, you know, butt kinda up in the air, hug that pillow to you middle, and just put your face down on the bed or pillow. It looks silly, but for some reason during an attack this was the only comfortable position. I even had to do that at work, in the middle of the board room... Good thing no customers came in <geesh!> Good luck... and don't forget the pain killers :)
   — KelBurt

February 27, 2002
Hello Amy... I feel your pain!! I am a little over 2 years post op Open RNY... I had the same sort of attacks that got really bad just a few months prior to surgery... at the ultrasound they found gall stones and determined that my gall bladder would be removed during surgery... Thank Goodness! I remember that anything that had the slightest bit of spice in it triggered a pain right below my center bra line and radiated around the right side to my back... ohhh weeee... it would be hours before I felt 'right' again... and I understand you are scared to eat... I drank protein shakes... and foods that were bland... rice... grits... bananas.. basically ate like a baby to avoid that feeling... just take your time... eat slower... and try not to eat too close to bedtime... when you lay down everything will go right to the bra line area and you risk going through it all over again... I wish you the best of luck...
   — California J.

February 27, 2002
I had my GB out at age 23, 20 years before my WLS. The things that triggered it were milk, bacon & lettuce. I don't remember that cheese or other dairy, other fats or other fiber did it, just those. My attacks were almost identical to yours. But I'd just seen both of my parents go through it, about 6 months apart, just a few years before me. Sigh. In those days, no lap. 9" scar. (gone now with TT, though! yippee!)
   — vitalady

February 28, 2002
Hi, Amy. I am SO SORRY about the gallbladder attacks! Yikes, they hurt like anything. I had my gallbladder out pre-WLS, back in 1987, before they started doing the gallbladder surgeries lap (I have a reeeeally attractive six-inch scar across my abdomen!) I also recommend no-fat, low-fat stuff. I lived on rice and fat-free chicken breast. (I cannot to this day eat rice and chicken in the same meal.) Good luck!
   — Mary Ellen W.

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