Will 10 days off be enough after Laproscopic RNY?

I'm a doctoral student and typically work 50-70 hour weeks which includes a part time job. My days start at 6:30am and frequently end at midnight. I have my surgical consult next monday and was going to try and get scheduled for spring break. I can take 10 days off exactly and then will need to return to this schedule for about 8 more weeks. Can I do it? Am I setting myself up for failure in one or more areas? I'm anxious to get surgery taken care of because I'm paying for insurance thru Cobra-costing me an arm and leg! Any advice would be very helpful! Thanks..    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 22, 2002)

January 22, 2002
I have asked for 10 full days and 4 half days for a total of 14 days off. My DOC said he would reccommend that even though he has seen patients go back to work in 5 days. I am having LAp RNY on Feb 25
   — Connie M.

January 22, 2002

   — Jen S.

January 22, 2002
I returned to a full-time office position eight days after my lap RNY. I was working 8-12 hours a day which entailed a fair amount of walking, but no heavy lifting; needed no pain medication; had no problems other than a higher level of fatigue than usual. Your schedule sounds ambitious, but not impossible, if your surgery is standard and uncomplicated. However, given that all patients may respond differently to general anesthesia, the surgery itself, and post-op discomfort, a best-case-scenario might be to postpone the surgery for gthose eight weeks until your schedule could assure adequate time for rest and recovery. Good luck to you!
   — Diana T.

January 22, 2002
You didn't say your age, but you sound pretty young, as compared to 50 like me. I went back to work after one month which was too long. I am actualy a much more productive person when I work, (naturally) but what I am saying is that it's so much easier for me to stick to a routine when I'm working. As my age with a very physically demanding job, I was so ready to return to work after three weeks. I say you'll do fine after rny LAP. Just pace yourself, and mainly, get that protein in in the forms of bars, liquids, etc. to keep your energy level up there. Best of everything to you. And then in 8 weeks, you'll be able to chill. Sounds perfect.
   — Annie H.

January 23, 2002
I went back to work 3 days post op. I'm an IT Administrator, so it was very easy for me since I didn't have to do anything physical unless I felt comfortable with it. I actually was feeling good enough in the hospital the day after surgery. I told the Dr. I could go to work that day. I was unlike a lot of people. I had enormous amounts of energy and never had any problems. Good Luck:)
   — Cheryl C.

January 23, 2002
I took 3 1/2 weeks off after my Lap RNY. I really did not feel like myself until the end of week three. Another thing is that I am a 46 year old diabetic. Diabetics do not heal as fast and being in my forties did not help. I had alot of pain, but after 3 weeks I felt great! I think it depends upon you, your pain threshold and how fast you heal.
   — Terri H.

January 23, 2002
I do not have my surgery date yet, but I am having lap rny and am planning on taking 2 weeks off. I am in sales and travel in the car alot, but I think that should be sufficient. Good luck!
   — emilyfink

January 23, 2002
I had a open RNY and went back to a 40 hr week desk job 12 days after surgery. I did ok but at the end of the day I was tired. I found that I didn't feel completely myself and full of energy until my 6th week. If your 70 hr week jobs include lots of physical effort, I would think twice about jumping back in with both feet immediately. It could delay your recovery and you could feel miserable.
   — Patricia M.

January 23, 2002
I am the original poster, Thank you for all the support and answers. I am 30 years old. My part time job(20 hours a week)is as an academic counselor at a college and the other hours are doing therapy, attending classes, and conducting psychological assessment. All fairly non demanding physically but demanding psychologically and require detailed attention. I may to stay off my job longer if I can but i lose big bucks and do not get vacation nor sick leave b/c I'm part time.... decisions, decisions... ugh. Thanks again though!
   — [Anonymous]

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