What part of the tummy do they work on when a TT is done?

I don't have a large tummy but I do have a roll that hangs over right below my breasts. I was wandering what area they work on when a TT is done? I don't want to have a TT if they are only going to do bottom portion. I just recently found that I have a hernia so ins will pay for TT.    — Kelly W. (posted on January 9, 2002)

January 9, 2002
Hi Kelley, Go to the tummy tuck web page,that will tell you exactly how it is done.I ahd mine done in 1995but I had the large apron of skin. When they do a TT they actually lift the skin on the whole abdomen.Go to the web site it's great with a lot of before and after photos.
   — blank first name B.

January 9, 2002
I lost 145 lbs. after my RNY and was left with a large amount of "extra" abdominal skin, most of which was on the upper abdomen, between the breasts and bellybutton. I really didn't have a large lower apron at all. My plastic surgeon performed my tummy tuck using an "anchor" incision and removed an additional 16 lbs. The cut resembles a boat anchor....the long vertical incision runs from my breastbone to the pubic area (he made me a new bellybutton), then there is a "smiley-face incision that runs horizontally from hipbone to hipbone. At first, I was concerned about the large suture line that I would be left with, but I simply couldn't see living with all that excess skin for the rest of my life. I am six weeks post-op following my tummy tuck and armlift procedures, and I have been pleasantly surprised with the results. The surgeon used no external sutures or staples. My incision is a thin straight line as described above and I think that it will be hardly noticeable in time. This was also the most "comfortable" surgery that I have ever had. It was a panniculectomy only, not an muscle layers under the fat needed to be cut or adjusted. I would describe my post-op pain as nothing more severe than a bad paper cut :-) Certainly not everyone will have this easy an experience with this type of surgery, but for me, it was a great decision with great results. My surgeon told me that I would have the abs of a 16 year old....I have corrected him since the surgery....I didn't have abs this good when I WAS 16 :-) Good luck!
   — Diana T.

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