For The Ladies...Please tell my why

My period is coming on every two and three weeks. I had surgery 8/30/01, since then my period has been coming on every three weeks, So I thought ok it's trying to recycle itself. Then to my surprise it came on again last night....Two weeks after my last period. What is going on??? I do retain water and I have such cravings so maybe this is why my weight loss is so slow. I try to eat right so I can not gain but I got on the scale this morning and gained two pounds. Until I see my doctor next week...HELP!!!!! RNY 60 pound down...3 1/2 mos post. Thanks .    — blank first name B. (posted on December 7, 2001)

December 7, 2001
I don't know if this is medically true or not but I was told we store estrogen in our fat and when we lose fat rapidly, we wreak havoc on our hormone levels for a while. I suggest calling your gynecologist just for your own peace of mind.
   — M B.

December 7, 2001
I have to agree with the last poster. Although I'm not sure if it's a medical fact, I have heard the same thing. I would call my gynecologist and see what kind of explination they can offer. Also, I usually gain weight right before and during my period (2 pounds is what I gained last time too!) I wouldn't be too worried about that. You probably did it pre-op but you didn't weigh yourself as often. When your period stops I'm sure you'll see you've lost what you gained and then some. Congrats on the awesome weight loss!
   — Kristin R.

December 7, 2001
Yes, I am waiting for ins. auth and I have been doing Tae-Bo for some time. Before this vigorous exercise program, I would not have a period for several months, but when I started exercising, I was getting it every 2 1/2 - 3 weeks. My Dr. said that it was normal, because as I lost fat and gained muscle, the estrogen that we store in fat was making my period come more and more often. I would check just in case though. Hope this helps!
   — Kristen H.

December 7, 2001
dont worry whenever we put alot of stress on our bodies our periods are always irregular, try birth control pills to regulate your period.
   — shakia W.

December 9, 2001
I was told by my OB/GYN that it is due to the rapid weight loss. She has me back on Birth Control pills which I strongly suggest anyway during the weeks, and months after surgery as that is the last thing you want to happen is to become pregnant. I was having no period at all before surgery as a matter of fact hadn't had one for over 2 years so I am actually happy to have things back to somewhat normal. I will go in the middle of Jan for an annual with my OB/GYN.
   — mollikins69

December 10, 2001
Estrogen is stored in fat. LADIES...this is why we must be extra careful about birth control during this rapid weight loss. Because estrogen is stored in fat and we are burning fat, the Depo shot does not work and the pill is not reliable for birth control. Now on to the periods, it is completely normal for your body to be out of whack with the rapid weight loss. I agree that the birth control pill is a good way to regulate your period at this time (just don't count on it to prevent pregnancy, condoms and other "devices" are best for that right now). Being underweight can cause irregular periods and your body is probably feeling a little "underweight" right now. Hopefully, this will not last for too long. For this year though, perhaps some stock in Tampax will help :-) Kierstin
   — Kierstin C.

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