Anyone ever have bumps under their skin?

I am 7 months post-op and down 96 pounds. I have noticed on my thighs that I have little bumps underneath my skin. They seem to be very close together. It feels like I'm running my hand over pebbles. Anyone have any ideas what this could be and is there anything I can do about it? Thanks    — Norma Z. (posted on November 25, 2001)

November 25, 2001
I am 4 mos. post-op and down 76 lbs. When i hit 45lbs. i noticed 2 bumps. One near my knee and the other on my thigh. I went to the doc and he said they are Lypomas. These are fatty tumors. Apparently, i have had these for years, but since shedding the weight, they are now visible. NOW THIS MAY NOT BE YOUR PROBLEM--CHECK WITH YOUR DOC. Good luck.
   — rose B.

November 25, 2001
Hi, I was wondering did your doctor say you should do anything about these fatty tumors? Becky
   — Becky B.

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