Does anyone know what can cause hives other than the pain patch or sutures?

I developed hives that my pcp has not really ever seen about 10 days after wls. The do not itch, they burn and really hurt. I stopped the pain patch and had steri-strips, not stapels. I am willing to try most advice. Please help!    — Candy F. (posted on November 14, 2001)

November 14, 2001
Hi Candy, I doubt if this will help, but I get hives from nerves. They usually show up on my neck and chest. Did they use Betadyne (sp?) on you? I've heard of people being allergic to it. Hope it goes away in a hurry. Good luck in your recovery.
   — grammie5

November 14, 2001
oh my goodness! I itched so badly after surgery that I scratched all the time and looked like someone you would NEVER want to sit next to on the bus! Everywhere I scratched, a raised welt would appear and I was literally covered with them! I believe it was from the anesthesia or the morpheine but I really don't know for sure. I did take benadryl to help out and it did eventually go away...but it was awful while it was going on. Hang in does get better!
   — Sharon L.

November 14, 2001
Stress is the biggest factor in hives at my house. I have a daughter that breaks out in hives any time she feels a strong emotion. I had a huge case of hives on the day I got married!!lol
   — blank first name B.

November 15, 2001
my hubby just had a kidney removed 2 1/2 weeks ago. about 3 days after i brought him home he didnt have hives...he had HIVE! he was one big hive the worst on his leg that needs an artery bypass. we couldnt imagine what was causing it as he never ever had hives before. we it the surgery stockings? the soap the hosp linens were washed in? then when i went to give him his daily dose of anit-biotic it hit me! the medicine was sooooo strong he was only getting one pill a day. it had to be the med. so i immediately stopped giving it to him & called the dr. he said it was consistent with this particular anti-biotic. i started dosing him with benadryl caps & cortisone cream. my point in telling u all of this is...u can become allergic or sensitive to anything overnite! even foods u were never allergic to before. try cortisone cream on the hives. it really helps
   — sheryl titone

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