Help! I had a revision to RNY from VBG about 3 1/2 months ago.

Everything has been going great except diarrhea. I get it often, sometimes it is uncontrollable, and I'm never sure exactly what has caused it. Anyone have this experience? What caused it and how do you control it? Thanks!    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 8, 2001)

November 8, 2001
Is there pain? Or just surprises? Are you using milk (not cheese, but actual milk)? How much sugar are you taking in? Flip everything over & read the actual sugar g. If you are doing what is known as sugar free CIB (7g of sugar) and milk, that's ALMOST a Snickers in sugar, 19g. If you are doing a lot of yogurts or applesauce, things you think of as "healthY" but are actually loaded with sugar, then you get gas and/or diarrhea. Lastly, fats. Although they don't really mess with our wt loss (unless you get too silly with 'em), they might be sliding on down without ANY absorption, so giving you surprises. Those are the top 3 known offenders. After that, you customize to YOU. Salad made a great laxative for me, at first. Or cole slaw. Yum. Love that stuff, but then I have no friends! LOL!
   — vitalady

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