Is vitamin deficiency an inevitability?

Or is it manageable with proper intake of vitamin supplements? I am hoping to have surgery, but I am worried about deficiency, especially with calcium. I intend on getting bone scans, but I have heard even those sometimes can't detect if you've developed osteoperosis. I just want to make sure that I will be able to be healthy after this surgery (DS in particular). Even though the risks of morbid obesity outweigh the risks associated with surgery, I would feel hesitant to go into a situation where I knew I would likely develop another health problem. Thanks for your help.    — [Anonymous] (posted on October 26, 2001)

October 26, 2001
Maybe this will help you out! Chronic Nutritional Problems: can be avoided by taking the proper vitamin and mineral supplements recommended by your doctor, and through healthy eating habits. Protein Deficiency: can occur because the amounts of protein the post-operative patient can take in has been diminished due to the gastric bypass. If during the first half of every meal the post-operative patient takes in protein, the risk of developing a protein deficiency becomes reduced. Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency: can occur when the restrictive diet of the post-operative patient is not afford the ability to consume the amounts of vitamin-rich foods that an average adult eats during the course of any given day. Malabsorption is part of the reason why the post-operative patient loses weight. However, to remain healthy we can still eat less and maintain the necessary vitamin intake, by taking the vitamin and mineral supplements that our doctor recommends, for the rest of our lives.
   — Cathy B.

October 27, 2001
Even though I had laparoscopic RNY, not DS, I do have some good info on my webpage about vitamin deficiencies and exactly what you have to do avoid them. They are NOT inevitable. That info, and a lot of other WLS facts, are at Good luck to you !!!
   — Lisa D.

October 27, 2001
If you don't take your vitamins, you will have problems. Every surgeon has different requriements as to postop supplements. My surgeon perscribes a prenatal vitamin and I take 2 viactiv a day. At two years postop, I have no deficiencies. My surgeon has an 11 year history performing the DS and has found this to be sufficient for his patients. It's working for me.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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