Searching for “vegetarian”
We found the following matches in our Q&A database:
Considering surgery
I am a semi-vegetarian
Can someone please explain what the difference is between
Did anyone else decide on BP/DS over RNY?
Emotional issues
Over six months out, only down 45 - 50 pounds.
I am looking for some positive feed back stories - getting scared!
To all the married people out there.
Some people tell me this won't work if you can't & won't deal with why you over eat
My husband does not want me to have the surgery he thinks I wiil reget it!
Were you my mirror image?
Health related
Has anyone ever became a vegetarian after gastic bypass?
Is WLS possible if there are kidney issues where protein ingestion is harmful?
po RNY looking for Website that supports Armour Thyoid Medication?
I hold a CDL drivers licance and was subject to a random drug test urin .
i would like ideas on protien choices
Help! I am one year out and am having searing pain...
Do DS POST-OPS need to worry about protein supplements?
As I am on a low sodium diet ,are most soy products high in salt ?
Vitamins & Suppliments. Which do you take? How much do they cost? How well do they work?
Can any help figure out where i can find a list of protein foods
Long term post-ops
Food selection doesn't make any sense!
Would love to hear from successful RNY proximal post-ops who started over 400lbs
can you still dye your hair????
Is anyone else not hungry? everything makes me gag.
How many fail because of permanent nausea
Not a Question...FYI - Isocrystalin/Protein Crystals
I often have a hard time getting full - no matter what protein, etc I eat.
5 months post op proximal rny- foul smelling gas- what can I do?
Any suggestions for someone who had
What can you eat? I hear al ot of what you can't eat...
protein shakes
How good is TOFU for a gastric bypass patient?
irritable bowel
Can you dilute Isopure? I find it bitter
Has anyone had problems with protein drinks?
How can I get protein when I am on Synthroid?
HELP WITH PROTEIN SOURCES,other than just meat
What is Tofu and where can i find it ?
12 days postop and can eat 1/2 cup refried beans is this normal??
I need suggestions from single people who have had this surgery
Does anyone have yummy, low fat, no sugar recipes for Crock Pot cooking.
has anyone felt embarrassed about eating out?
Questions about the lifestyle of a LONG TERM POST OP
Anyone post-op tried the Boca brand meats?
Has anyone started turning gold
hair loss
Tofu, anyone?
I am a super super MO person weighing over 400 lbs
Eat Right 4 Your Type Blood, that is
Psych eval my doc a quack?
Looking for sample menus at various post-op intervals :)
That guy in the subway commercial
Frustrated with not losing! Any thoughts?
I am not loosing weight very fast. I am 5 months out and have only lost 67 pounds.
Post-op diet
So has anyone else went vegetarian since RNY?
3 years post-op, how do I get enough protein on a vegetarian diet?
Hi! Any tips on Vegetarian diet ???
Are there any vegetarian's (lacto-ovo or vegan) out there that have had WLS?
Pre & Post WLS as a vegetarian
How does one become a vegetarian and eat low carb?
help for a vegetarian
Need Post-op protein suggestions for a vegetarian
I'm curious as to how vegetarians get their protein in?
Does a vegetarian diet help you lose more weight and/or keep it off longer?
Is there anybody out there that is a vegetarian
Any one vegetarian out there? What do you do for protein?
hi,i am one year out of rny surgery and this has been my problem
How to get enough protien?
after wls 3 years ago i have gained some weight back and was wondering what others do
Has anyone used Gardenburgers post-op?
Do you eat legumes post op and lose well?
Peanut butter in the pureed food diet
Any Jello substitute that is animal product free?
Are soy proteins complete proteins?
Anyone else post-op hate meat
Meat seems to heavy
How will I be able to eat enough to support muscular 6'5
Is tofu a good post-op protein?
Are beans a good source of protein?
Are all carbs bad and how many are too many?
I need to lose about 30 pounds
i want a burger
what is tofu
Starting the soft food stage
What can I eat to feel full?
ANy good recommendations on Protein SHakes?
About Protien and Hunger
Is it possible to take vitamin B-12 injections?
Please help me I am close to tears
Help with Fast Food Options!!
Food Difficulties please help!
What other foods can you guys recommend for me !
I need someone to send me the diet as I have lost mine.
Can/will someone provide a sample menu for a high protein, low fat, and low carb?
When can I eat rice and bread within moderation after having an RNY?
How can you consume refried beans and cheese and....
2m10d post op and no solid foods?
Does anyone have a hard time keeping down Chicken, or any other meat?
Need advice on my post op food intake...
What do you post-ops eat for protein, from the mush stage, to the lifelong diet?
I need help choosing foods are that correct
I need quick & easly food ideas for a single person so I can get back on track!
has anyone used tofu as a source of protien post-op?
I was wondering about eating Tofu for a good source of protein.
Carb addicts how did you do it?
I'm 4 weeks post op and I'm having trouble with soft foods.
Just Wondering If I'm eating 2 much @ 3 1/2 mos post-op
I am 8 months post op (10/21/02) and I have no idea what to eat...
I am 7 weeks post-op and still have trouble with some protein. Fish doew well,
What about the lard in the refried beans?
What is everyone eating for protein ata 5 weeks post op
Is it ok to use VANILLA SOY MILK to mix with my Carnation Intant breakfeast?
has anyone done no white carbs and still get to goal?
Was anyone able to eat seafood such as shrimp or scallops when we go on soft diet?
I am looking for some creative ideas for the use of tofu as protein in my diet
How long until you could truly eat meat and nausea/vomiting passed?
Diet differences depending on type of surgery
Will protein supplements alone harm us?
Are there any frozen dinners out there????????
I need a protein drink with no dairy, eggs, yeast, soy in it . DO YOU KNOW OF ANY?
Reaching Goal & Not drinking Protein Shakes?
Why can't we take B-12 in pill form?
Protein Shakes Make Me Sick!
I need a list of high protein foods, please!
Has anyone tried TURKEY BACON?
Please help me with eating out!!!!
ONLY protein until 75% of excess weight is lost????
What do you do if you can't tolerate meat post op?
Just needed some input on liquid protein & protein bars! PLEASE!!
How Long is meat the only option?
Yuck!!! I just tried my first TOFO HOTDOG!
When does the post-op diet get better?
Need some help with protein intake without meats or supplement shakes
I need help making my diet more exciting.....
Help! I'm not tolerating my diet! Is this normal?
I am desperate for help. Not eating & so depressed
Are there any other post-ops with a vegan diet?
I need help in getting in all the protein I need.
Are there Foods that you used to like, but after WLS you Don't ?
I am wondering about meat sauces, marinades, etc.
Can you just eat protein only ?
Which foods should I buy?
Post-op health
Has anyone taken the Ironchel (r) from GNC? It is more readily absorbed!?!
Adding a question to Buffy's question
Have no energy
Vomiting/burping up FOAM soon after I eat -- normal? bad!?
What have you done about low iron levels?
What is causing me to have Iron deficiant anemia?
Hi, My name is kim and I need some encouragement
how to get enough protein?
Do any of you ever feel like you didn't have surgery?
Post-op interpersonal issues
I am concerned about body odors
Post-op liquid diets
Post-op Vegetarian Liquid diet?
It seems like the liquid diet is too carb-y for my diabetes.
Soy or Whey? Is one better than the other?
Post-op medications
Anyone still make it to goal being on synthroid?
Post-op misc. diet issues
Post Ops: Any Vegetarians out there 2 or more years?
How does a vegetarian get all tehri protein in at 6wks post op..
Anyone post-op vegetarian?
Any vegetarians become meat eaters post op?
Anyone who has had rny who is vegetarian?
Any vegetarians out there post op?
Any post op persons who are vegetarian and are not having food choice problems
Has anyone become a vegetarian since surgery? What is the process?
Please Help....What can you eat to get.....
I am getting conflicting information on how long it should take to eat.
Any Vegies out there?
Having a problem with remembering to eat...
eating beef
I have been constantly craving anything w/ peanut butter!!
Possible to have TOO MUCH protein?
Meat and eggs make me sick--any ideas?
Low blood/Iron Deficiency?
How long before you can eat meat, and dairy products.
What is the Single most important piece to success?
I'm a pre-op carb addict - how do you deal with carbs post-op?
Longer-term post-ops - HELP!! I can't seem to stop cheating w/bad foods
I need some other ideas as to what I can eat now at 6 weeks post-op!!
Post-op misc. health issues
5 weeks out and still having low grade nausea
Not able to eat protein, 8 months out.
Has anyone experienced an increase in migrains post-op?
weight gain
What do I do when my food gets stuck????
After WLS do you have a lot of problems with bowel movements whereas you have to
Anyone have any suggestions for me?
Post-op other weight issues
2 years out and only lost 50lbs I'm discouraged, help please?
How many calories should you take in.
Please help.. really confused!
I've only lost 23 lbs after 7 weeks (post-op), is this normal?
had RNY in June and for the last 6 weeks haven't dropped 1 lb.
Does anyone lose more than the 70% or so they say we will?
Is there anyone out there that hasn't lost weight after surgery
Are you 5'2
Post-op returning to normal
When Can I start Sleeping on my Stomach?
would this make "you" wonder/
Post-op specific foods
Margaret, what is mentioned in your answer re: vegetarian?
lacto ovo vegetarian
post op vegetarians
I am having issues at 7 months post op with digesting any kind of meat or wheat. I
HI, I m 5 & half mths out and lost over 130lbs already. Feel on top of this world.
Does anyone post op not able to stand the taste of meat anymore????
This is a little premature, since I still have 38 days till surgery,
I am just about to be 2 months post op
Looking for something else to eat besides chicken, red meat
suggestions needed for first Trader Joes experience
Got Tofu? :)
Has anyone been able to eat chips with a bean dip, or pork rinds?
Post-op vitamins and minerals
having problems getting the protein in
...I've been using Calcium Crystals Plus...
**Please Help** I am 2 weeks out of Lap RNY and cant drink the protein shakes.....
Protein pills
Is it true after Bariatric Sergery we can't absorb Vitiman D?
I saw a recent post about someone not taking vitamins or suppliments...
Can you crush multivitamins, and how much B-12 do is needed a day?
Is it better to have the b-12 shot or can I take it in pill form.?
Can't quit eating
How can I get 70-75 grams of protein a day?
Pre-op friends, family and co-workers
Helping family understand why I am doing gastric bypass.
Does anyone ever try to sabotage you?
Pre-op preparations
Today is my 1 month surgery date (Gastric Sleeve)
Insurance company 6 month doctor supervised diet--I need advise please!!
I want stores you can buy the protien drinks at, not on line.
Should I leave my hair un-thinned until after surgery.
How can I eat now to help later?
Pre-op qualifying for surgery
I had a thyroid test done and my TSH came back.......
Pre-op surgery types
I'm sorry I know this has probably been asked before but I
What are post-op differences between BPD/DS and Roux-en-Y ?
Explain the pros and cons of DS vs. RNY
I am not sure whick one to pick. Please help me.
If I have a pretty bad sweet tooth, is VBG a bad idea?
Joint pain after surgery?
Site improvement