Cassi I. 20 years, 1 month ago

Hi Hanna, What wonderful news to hear that youve returned and that you are doing good. Lots of people have been worried about and care about you whether or not you realize it. I hope that you continue to thrive and blossom. Huggz, Cassi

Laura B. 20 years, 2 months ago

Hanna Hanna Hanna!!! So good to see you back online! :-) I can't wait to see you on the MN message board again when you get better... You're quite the celebrity these days it seems. Too bad it had to happen the hard way, but hey, at least you're okay now. :-) YAY!

J A. 20 years, 2 months ago

Hanna, I'm very happy to see you're doing better. What a blessing! I've kept you in my thoughts daily, continue to do so, and pray that tomororow will be better than today! Good luck!

Denice476 20 years, 2 months ago

Hanna it's great to have you back on the site! We can't wait until you get back to the message board!! Love ya, Denice

Justme1969 20 years, 2 months ago

Hanna, Congrats on being home. I know you are so happy to be there with your family. I am sorry that you had such a hard time. I hope things continue to look better for you. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Gingers63 20 years, 2 months ago

Hanna, I am so happy that you are home and doing well. I will call you this weekend to have a chat. Hopefully by then you will be feeling even better. Welcome home honey!!!!! Hugs, Ginger

Denice476 20 years, 2 months ago

Hi Everyone! I wanted to let you all know I am home from the hospital and doing much better! I do everything for myself and I am feeling great! I am at my parents and will be for a while so feel free to e-mail me I am home all the time and would love to talk to you, sorry I didnt send personal e-mails I am still not back to 100% so I dont want to be in this chair much longer! Hope to talk to you all soon! Hanna

Gingers63 20 years, 3 months ago

Update on Hanna!!! I spoke to Hanna's father this morning and was told that her bowels are now working and she will be able to have a thimble full of jello and broth every two hours today. This all began because she had three seperate leaks. While she is out of the woods, she still has a long road of recovery ahead. Please continue to keep Hanna in your prayers and good wishes. Hanna, we love you and pray that you recover very soon. Positive attitude sweety!!! Hugs, Ginger

Denice476 20 years, 3 months ago

Update on Hanna!! Friday I heard back from Hanna's parents in South Dakota. Hanna is doing much better. But everyone, she was a lot worse off than any of us realized! So thank you for all your prayers. Hanna was brought to the emergency room and according to her father she was clinically dead. Her kidneys stopped functioning, her liver functions we slowed, she had a blood infection (septic), her lungs filled with fluid and one clasped. All these organs have come back to full function. They are still concerned about her bowels, as of Friday they were still not working properly! She can't have any water. Her father stated she can have just a little over a thimball of ice chips every 6 hours! Hanna is awake and alert. She got to watch herself the other night via the internet. She enjoyed it. As I promised I've gotten some information from the family on where you can send cards. They also have an email and phone that I can pass along you can find this information below. The family wanted me to pass along how deeply touched they were with the outpouring of love from Hanna's friends here and wanted to thank everyone. They also wanted everyone to know that it was the family's decision to block Hanna's name from the hospital registration. They didn't want any negative calls reaching Hanna. They wanted to apologize to all of you who care so deeply for Hanna that you weren't able to find her at a hospital. Scott said anyone that wants to e-mail us or call us (605-256-0717) can, and we will pass their messages on to Hanna. Cards can be sent to us at the address below. Scott and Sue Scofield 6530 Killarney Park Drive Wentworth-Lake Madison South Dakota 57075 [email protected] Again thanks everyone for supporting Hanna! Now get those cards, flowers, emails going! She needs to hear from all of us! God Bless! Denice

detmweber 20 years, 3 months ago

Hi Hanna, I was just notified of your surgery and ordeal recently. I had mine done last summer by the same Dr. and had horrible complications also. We should talk. Please get it touch with me sometime. [email protected], my name is Diane Weber.
About Me
Sioux Falls, SD
Surgery Date
Nov 15, 2003
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