Bama Sunshine 17 years, 9 months ago

Hey Sis, Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you and hope that you, Phil and all family are doing alright!!! Gonna send ya an email in a sec, just hope it goes thru. (Thought I'd post here in case it doesn't/been having server and email problems still) Please forgive me for not getting in touch w/you sooner. So much going on here, will explain. I know that whenever I do get to see ya again, you're gonna be Miss Skinny Minnie~~~I can't wait to see you!!! Hoping that will be soon!!! Please take care and know you're (Phil & all) are always in my thoughts and prayers!!! Love you bunches~~~Lisa

Bama Sunshine 18 years, 1 month ago

Hey There Miss Chrissy! Just wanted to stop by your page and say "Hi" in case you're looking! Had ya on my mind and thought I'd stop by your page and see if you had any updates. Will be sending you mail when I get chance, but have to run for now and go to Katie's field day. I love you girlie and hope that you're having a great day! Take care & God Bless You~~~Lisa

Brenda Mcleod 18 years, 1 month ago

Crystal I hope you are feeling well. I have been thinking about you the past few days. Please let us know how you are doing.

Bama Sunshine 18 years, 1 month ago

Hey Girl, Just thought I'd stop by and let you know I was thinking of you. Hope that you are feeling much better now. There's nothing like being back home, and out of hospital! (Best medicine of all) And I bet you are just walking all over the place~~I was so proud of how you were up and out of that bed walking each time I saw you! That's the best thing you can do is keep moving. I'm sorry I didn't get to come by again before you were discharged. But always know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers. I love you bunches! Lisa

Tealrose 18 years, 1 month ago

Hi Crystal, We just got the first report that you are out of surgery and all is well!! Congratulations and WELCOME TO THE OTHER SIDE, YOU LOSER!! :-) You are in for the ride of your life and I know you will do GREAT!! You are still in my prayers for a speedy and painfree recovery. Christ's peace, Connie aka Teal Rose

Shantamar :) 18 years, 1 month ago

Crystal - you're in my prayers! You'll do great! Welcome to the losers club! Shanon

Shantamar :) 18 years, 1 month ago

Crystal - you're in my prayers! You'll do great! Welcome to the losers club! Shanon

happy girl 18 years, 1 month ago

CONGRATS Crystal on beginning your new life!!! Praying for an uneventful surgery & a speedy, smooth recovery. Jackie =)

LisaDawn 18 years, 1 month ago

Crystal, it's wonderful to feel at peace and have such confidence with our decisions for improving our health and happiness. I wish you all the best with your surgery and recovery. We look forward to seeing you back here soon!

Laura T. 18 years, 1 month ago

CONGRATS on your sugery!! I pray you have a good surgery and a fast recoop time. God Bless!!
About Me
Bonifay, FL
Surgery Date
Jul 30, 2005
Member Since
