Naes Wls J. 21 years ago

Sorry to hear about what happen with the medication that was given to you. maybe with time you will go for wls once again. Best wishes to you. hang in there and try to stay focused. ~*~Hugs~*~

Carol W. 21 years ago

Lori, First, I am a nurse,so I understand a bit about the medicine.My sister had the same "adverse effect" from IV Reglan preop.All the feelings you described.She was fortunate to have a nurse recognise this as an adverse effect of the drug and got the anesthesiologist to give her something to counter this.She was better quickly.I will say, alot of healthcare workers don't know of all side effects for all meds.It is next to impossible.In the future,always list reglan as an "allergy" and tell them absolutely no way will you take that.There are plenty of other medications out there that won't do the same.I am sorry you had such a difficult time,this wasnt your fault,,,,,,,,good luck to you.Carol

1800Bev 21 years ago

Hi Lori, sorry to hear of your delay. Next time ask them to give you some Versed in your IV while you wait. It's excellent stuff and will relax you. I had it when I had a tumor removed from my thumb and I was giggling and happy. Best wishes sweetie, here's a cyber (((HUG))) for ya.

MommaAngel 21 years ago

HI LORI I just want you to know that I am praying that everything will go smooth as you journey to the losing side. LORD BLESS
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