Karen B. 21 years, 8 months ago

Hello Lynda~~~I have been reading your posts and I am so glad you are still trying to find a way to have your surgery. Your posts really add to the board. I am praying for you!!! PEACE

Becca K. 21 years, 8 months ago

I have the Yankee candle that is called Chocolate Truffle. It is so nice to smell it and get over the thought that I actually want some. 10 days and counting! Maybe we should make candles a part of our pre and post op therapy! :)

Katherine M. 21 years, 8 months ago

Lynda...I'm so sorry! I know just how you feel; Providence pulled the same trick on me. I'm lucky to have my own company and changed insurance to PacifiCare and was approved in a week. However, if that hadn't worked, I planned to find a job--any job--secretary, hash slinger, whatever--that had insurance that would cover this surgery. I know that this would have been a big sacrifice for me but it would have been worth. I know that everyone can't just change jobs...but you could look into who covers it in your part of world and then go from there. Please don't despair; persistance changes the world. I'm crying here for you too! Hugs, Katherine

Helenjean P. 21 years, 9 months ago

Lynda, good luck to you! I am also going thru Compass. Keep us posted on how it goes, OK??

Dea W. 21 years, 9 months ago

Lynda: You might have what is called Restless Leg Syndrome. This is a condition where you have problems either breathing or problems with blood circulation and you move your legs in your sleep. Since your sleep is distrubed (not enough to fully wake you) you are tired in the morning. See what you doctor says. It is a co-morbidity. I have RLS.
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San Angelo, TX
Jun 12, 2002
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