Losers for Lent


This group is NOT about religion!!  It's  NOT about faith- well other then faith in yourself.  There will be no biblical debates, or having ones beliefs rammed down someone else's throat.  It's all about mutual support.

The only religious aspect is in the name of the group.

This got me thinking... for those of you who know me- scary thought but true... This year, months after my WLS,  I am finding it somewhat easy to cheat a little- my biggest problem is going to be carbs. That being said I decided to give up sugar completely and refined carbs to the best I can.  If I can do it for 40 days/nights- then why not 60?  80? for good?  Think of it as using the A.A. model- one day at a time. 

The purpose of the group is to support each other- daily e-mails, messages,  non-religious inspirations.  EVERYONE, of EVERY faith, EVERY background is welcome to join.  The only requirement is that you are sincere in wanting to make an honest attempt in giving up sugar and refined carbs for 40 days.

For those of you up to the challenge, we will have our ups and downs- but we can do this- with each other.

Be sure to check out the DISCUSSION page (on the right side of this page) and feel free to particpate!!

General Information

Location: ,
Group Created: Feb 12, 2010
Members: 40
13 Years Ago
OVER! DONE! FINISHED! - Hope you made the most of Lent and have created a life long healthy habit.  Happy Easter all!          Much luv. 
13 Years Ago
LOSERS FOR LENT FINALE! - Its the final day!  Lent has ended but tradition continues the Lenten sacrafice right to Easter Sunday.  This is no religious quest but we follow the old ways. Just a few hours ...
13 Years Ago
LOSERS FOR LENT TUESDAY - Final Lenten week count down, FIVE days remain.  How did you do yesterday? How are you handling these forty days so far?  What do you have planned for today? I've change...
13 Years Ago
HOLD MY FEET TO THE FIRE! ACCOUNTABILITY MONDAY - Its our final Lenten week.  Make it through the next six days and you have done it.  By now it should all be second nature to you.  The point is to make lasting change and not retu...
13 Years Ago
LOSERS FOR LENT WEEKEND EDITION - Its only a week, just one final Lenten week, seven end of Lent days, to solidify your positive change.  You can still start right now.  The point is to make lasting change and not ...
13 Years Ago
LOSERS FOR LENT WEDNESDAY - THE COUNT DOWN CONTINUES... Two weeks minus three days till the lenten season's end.  You can start right now and make a good new habit or give up an old bad way.  How did...
13 Years Ago
LOSERS FOR LENT TUESDAY - THE COUNT DOWN CONTINUES... Two weeks minus two days till the lenten season's end.  You can start right now and make a good new habit or give up an old bad way.  How did y...
13 Years Ago
LOSERS FOR LENT MONDAY - THE COUNT DOWN CONTINUES... I'm I am doing better with my low carb lifestyle.  Loosers for lent is helping me push forward.  I can see the improvements to my skin when I rejec...

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