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on 7/6/14 10:26 am - Ellsinore, MO
Topic: Belviq

Has anyone taken this medicine states that it helps the mental cravings and decreases the grazing


on 7/6/14 5:24 am
Topic: Hiatal hernia advice

I had lapband surgery 7 years ago.  Before the surgery I had lots of GERD problems. My surgeon repaired a hiatal hernia at the time he did the lapband and my GERD was cured!  Or so I thought. About 18 months ago, I started having problems again.  At first Prilosec took care of it, but it's been getting worse. 

About a month ago I started having problems that seemed like over-restriction problems that got worse and worse.  (Note that my last adjustment was over 4 years ago!). Lots of throwing up, always feeling like food was stuck, pain, etc.  Got so bad I could barely swallow my own spit.

on Monday I had the band loosened and all my eating problems went away.  But so did the restriction...eating like "the old days". :-(

I also got an upper GI then met with the new surgeon at the hospital I had my surgery done at.  He told me I have a hiatal hernia again "the size of a lemon".  He recommends I get surgery to repair the hernia.  But all my reading says that they usually just treat hiatal hernias with meds. I asked why surgery....he said because if they tried to tighten the band again, I'd have more problems unless I first had the hernia repaired. 

Im really skeptical. I don't know this doc from Adam.  Has anyone had a recurrent hiatal hernia after banding?  He was unwilling or unable to answer my questions about how the hernia and over-tightening might relate to each other, or why suddenly my band was too tight after 4 years of it being fine.

I'm going to get a second opinion but I also want to hear if anyone else has had these issues.


on 7/5/14 4:16 pm - Cary, NC
Topic: RE: Back, after a long absence and a 46lb regain - My story, 4 & 1/2 years out!
  1. Simple carbohydrates are sugars. All simple carbohydrates are made of just one or two sugar molecules. They are the quickest source of energy, as they are very rapidly digested. :)   Simple carbohydrates are found naturally in foods such as fruits, milk, and milk products. They are also found in processed and refined sugars such as candy, table sugar, syrups, and soft drinks. The majority of carbohydrate intake should come from complex carbohydrates (starches) and naturally occurring sugars rather than processed or refined sugars
on 7/5/14 4:15 pm - Cary, NC
Topic: RE: Back, after a long absence and a 46lb regain - My story, 4 & 1/2 years out!
  1. Simple carbohydrates are sugars. All simple carbohydrates are made of just one or two sugar molecules. They are the quickest source of energy, as they are very rapidly digested. :)
on 7/5/14 3:59 pm - Cary, NC
Topic: * Losing Many Teeth!! *

Anyone else that had RNY losing teeth?! I had RNY 11 years ago. Started at 341, got down to 117. Was between 145-165 for years until this past fall. Gained 25 lbs due to mom's passing.... now weigh 183....fell back in old habits. Anyway... As of ten days ago, I have lost ELEVEN teeth!! OMG I am lactose intolerant since surgery, and all I have taken for calcium is Tums. That was per my doc at the time. I have not seen him in 9 years... 

~ Lisa ~

on 7/4/14 3:15 am - Fredericktown/Mansfield, OH
Topic: RE: Back, after a long absence and a 46lb regain - My story, 4 & 1/2 years out!

what exactly are simple carbs?


on 7/3/14 12:01 pm - Denver, CO
on 7/3/14 12:00 pm - Denver, CO
Topic: RE: Back, after a long absence and a 46lb regain - My story, 4 & 1/2 years out!

Hi Bulawookie!

6 weeks out, you are doing GREAT!! There is always a wee bit of a stall as your body adjusts to the new "stomach", band, etc.  Just keep on getting your protein in and drinking tons of water, not drinking when eating, etcetc.

What motivated me was when I went to see my ortho doc last July 5th and I was 226 LBS.  My highest weight was 326.  Day of surgery, I was 320.

I got down to 170 and then stabilized at 180...was doing great there and BAM..was doing all the wrong things....gained 46 pounds.   I got RE-motivated because I wanted to get back to 170 or less and since I had my hip replaced on 4/1/2014, I am doing all the right things.

I just decided that I did NOT want to regain all my weight back so I went and had everything checked out; I still have the tool SO!

I made the commitment.  Protein, Complex carbs, 4 ounces of caffeine a day, NO junk food, no sweets, no processed foods, NOTHING like that.

I was addicted to the carbs and sugar again and that first week of NO sugar and Simple Carbs was HELL.  BUT I made it over the hump and just kept on doing the right things. 

I never want to be fat again.  I like I how I can move, I can walk without issue and, I have NEW hip, at 44 YO. :)


Dumping!! UGH! I HATE IT.  With Gastric Bypass patients, some of us are VERY sensitive to sugars and carbs.  Since they removed (in my case, 150 CM of my small intestine) sugar trickles through the pouch and it is immediately absorbed from the small intestine and hits so quick, O MY GAWWD!! I get light headed, cold sweats, heart racing.  I am STILL glad I have that TOTALLY helped when I was stopping all the bad food choices. 

Same with simple carbs = bread, rice, potatoes, chips...every so often I could eat those things, but the next time, BAM! Laying down because the dumping was so bad. 

I also motivate myself by looking in the mirror, seeing the person I am now versus where I was in Jan 2010, before surgery.  BEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE FOR MYSELF!!

And, I like being able to workout in my basement gym...some days are harder than others to motivate, but once I get into the workout, I feel FABULOUS!

I am on under megawatt823 - if you haven't joined, you should!  I track EVERYTHING I eat, all my exercise and it helps to track EVERYTHING!! :)

Keep it up, you are doing great!! :)





on 7/3/14 2:48 am
Topic: Offering free surgical garments

I don't know if this is the proper place to post this, but I'll try. My plastics have been completed and I have 3 surgical garments ( size large) that I would like to give away. One is knee length, another is ankle length. Both have been used, but are clean. I've found it's always good to have a back up when you are laundering yours. I also have an unused abdominal binder. If you're interested, just pay for postage and they're yours!

on 7/2/14 9:01 am - GA
Topic: RE: Vegan or non dairy protein drinks that AREN'T gross??

Green smoothie girl has some decent ones . also her chocolate green light drink is REALLY good. 

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