Don't think I can
I won't tell you to not back out or to ignore any intuition. But I will encourage you to not let your fears get in the way. This is a VERY safe surgery -- I was in and out of surgery in 35 minutes. Have you ever had kids? Giving birth is much more dangerous statistically than this surgery.
I could go on and on...but ultimately it's your choice. If you cancel you'll probably end up rescheduling it and you will have put off all the weight loss and great NSVs that you could have had in the meantime. And while you screw up the courage and jump through all the hoops to do this again, your health will continue to disintegrate.
Here's what I did to get my ego and fears out of it (and you'll think I'm crazy!): I wrote "yes surgery" on a slip of paper and "no surgery" on another slip of paper, folded them up, put them in my "bowl of truth" (it can be anything), offered up a little prayer to the surgery gods, closed my eyes and pulled out one slip. I had told myself that WHATEVER it said, I would do it because that would be what the universe knew was best for me right then. Obviously I got "yes surgery" :-)
Don't back out! I had my surgery last Wednesday, October 22nd and I do not regret it at all now. I had the same cold feet before I had the surgery and I am so glad I went through with it. I am already back at work, functioning well, and adjusting to the new lifestyle. I believe the surgery is worth it!
Marie, God has made it possible this far. He won't fail you now. Trust that He will guide with widsom and skill the minds and hands of the doctors. You can do this. Look at all the people on the forum (Photos; before/after) pictures and see all the people who had this surgery and how successful it was. Christine
We have to go through so many steps and jump through so many hoops to qualify for this surgery. I know you wouldn't have done all that if you weren't absolutely committed. Which means this is cold feet. It's scary and anxiety provoking, but you can get through it. Do you think you will regret it in a week or 2 if you cancel? THink about your live longer? be healthier? whatever they are that drove you to pursue WLS, focus on that to get you through. The sense of dread you are feeling is normal and happens to many of us. It's scary! But most of us feel it is well worth it. Don't cancel on impulse. Think this through for your own sake.