"The Secret" To WL and Maintenance.....A Frisco Observation.........

on 2/26/13 9:05 am, edited 2/26/13 9:38 pm

Wanna know the "Secret" ?????

Commitment and Compliance....... That's it !!!!!

My observation is that the ones that do/did well at this...... share one common trait...... Commitment and Compliance......

Commitment and Compliance can over come and over power "cravings" "head hunger" "physical hunger"...........

Not to discount anyones medical or physiological issues and needs........ but "Generally Speaking"

Crunchy, salty, sweet, hot, cold, ice cream, chocolate, bread, rice, the wind blew, birthday party..... what ever...... not a factor when you have the commitment........

Commitment and Compliance....... Work on that as your "base core" everything else will fall into place.......

If you don't have the commitment and practice compliance........ ummm.... it's gonna be really hard......your pretty much done and will just be less fat for a year or two......

Most the ones that don't do well....... just plain ran outta Commitment.......

Just an observation.......

Carry on....


SW 338lbs. GW 175lbs. Goal in 11 months. CW 148lbs. WL 190lbs.

          " To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art "

                                      VSG Maintenance Group Forum

                                           CAFE FRISCO at LapSF.com

                                                      Dr. Paul Cirangle

on 2/26/13 9:12 am

I have to agree with your "Secret"  and that is exactly what I am doing committing and complying!!  Thanks for your post Frisco


             VS on 02/2/2013 by Dr. Michael Lee    SW  298    HW  333    CW  198    GW 160

             forget YESTERDAY, live for TODAY, TOMORROW will take care of itself


on 2/26/13 9:22 am - MI
Well said I am committing
on 2/26/13 9:25 am
VSG on 11/14/12

Yep.  Every day, making the same decision over and over again -- eat the right things and exercising.  Why does it sometimes seem so hard?


Starting weight: 260; Surgery Weight: 250; Month 1: -15.6; Month 2: -11.8; Month 3: -11.4;  Month 4: -7.4  Month 5: -8.6; Month 6: -3; Month 7 -3.8; Month 8 -7; Month 9: stall; Month 10: -4.4; Month 11: - 2.6; Month 12:-3.4

on 2/26/13 9:27 am, edited 2/26/13 9:28 am

Hey Frisco!

Y'know...part of my job is staff education. If I've learned anything in doing this, it's that the more simple you keep the lesson...the better chance at retention.

Kudos to you for keeping it simple. Real and true.

Problem is that most folks had a hard time mastering the compliance part...that's probably what got them here in the first place. I think...not that anyone asked...the key to COMPLIANCE is having hit rock bottom.

If you haven't truley hit a rock bottom...then this is just anther "weight loss attempt". That's what makes it sad. When you feel like you are dying, physically and mentally...and you are just at that dark hollow point in life...WLS is like a final chance at life. For those that don't feel that...I think the compliance part is tougher for. That's a shame...becuase this is a great tool.

But folks have to screw their heads on real tight and GET THAT part...if they're gonna use it to its full potential.

I'm in a funky place today...sorry if I spoke out of turn...but this is me today.

Commitment and Compliance all the way...FOR REAL.


Not MY will, but HIS. Not MY time, but HIS.    
on 2/26/13 9:15 pm
VSG on 11/21/12 with

"When you feel like you are dying, physically and mentally...and you are just at that dark hollow point in life...WLS is like a final chance at life."

Thank you.  YES.  I have been there. 


5'8"    HRW 357 on 7/09/12    SW 339   >196 8/26/13 (surgeon's goal)   TWL  193     CW   164 

*:•-:¦:-•:*1st pers. goal 178 on 10/16/13; ultimate goal 164 on 12/13/13*:•-:¦:-•:* 

on 2/26/13 10:16 am
This sounds like "will power". I want the magic pill that takes all my weight off...yesterday
on 2/26/13 10:46 am

Call it what you may......

For those who haven't figured it out yet.......

This surgery just levels the playing field.......

Commitment and Compliance together with WLS becomes doable........

You still gotta do work !!!

And yes.... we all wanted it off yesterday !!!

 I just spent some time with someone that lost like 125lbs. in about thirteen months......133lbs. and looks and feels great....possitive life changes and is just thrilled and she says it seems so unreal and it was like yesterday she was the obese one......


SW 338lbs. GW 175lbs. Goal in 11 months. CW 148lbs. WL 190lbs.

          " To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art "

                                      VSG Maintenance Group Forum

                                           CAFE FRISCO at LapSF.com

                                                      Dr. Paul Cirangle

(deactivated member)
on 2/26/13 11:56 am
VSG on 06/04/12

I agree that its Compliance, Commitment and its also Determination.  The people in my WLS support group that are successful are the ones *****alize that this is going to be a lifestyle change and a commitment to eating the right foods and exercising.  The ones who never make it to goal and have weight regain issues are the ones who think they can eat whatever they want but just smaller portions....I figure it's a choice which direction your are going to go.  I am determined to get to my goal and below and to maintain my weight loss because going backwards is not an option!

on 2/26/13 1:39 pm, edited 2/26/13 1:39 pm
VSG on 02/21/13

What you write reminds me of my days in the 12-Step Food Addiction Group.  I was in the 'strictest' group that they have (was in and out for many years).  In that Program there is no wiggle room whatsoever - it is only compliance.  The food goes up on the food scale, it is weighed and measured, and there were only certain allowable foods (i.e. plain yogurt, veggies, fruits, dense protein, no sugar, no flour....).  No Ifs, Ands, or Butts - it was one way, or the Highway. So, that was pretty good training ground for me, even though I had a hard day today and was really hungry today with my liquids.  I do indeed hope my former training serves me well.  But, I was a real flop in that Program, so I have no idea!  I am just committing to my goals and my VSG food plan for these next 24 hours.  I can do anything for just 24 hours...However, I do need to amp it up on the exercise part (walking for now).


In summary, Frisco - you are right, and I fully agree! We have to act our way into right thinking instead of wait for the willpower to think our way into right acting (if I could have done that, I would not have gained 110 lbs!).

"The most difficult part of changing how you live and eat is believing that change is possible. It takes a fierce kind of love for yourself."Geneen Roth