Scary Stuff Going On Here.......

on 12/19/11 12:34 pm
Just an observation.....not saying I'm right or wrong......

Letting you all know it's a little different from 2 years ago......

Just some plain scary stuff (****) going down on this forum now days.....

My fear with all these Wonky surgeries and goofy eating plans.....the success rate of the VSG will go down. As much as I want/think the VSG can become the "Gold Standard" it's not looking great overall.

If you been on these boards a while.... you see trends......

- Large Sleeves
- More people claiming hunger
- Many more people having WLS that were not ready for it ....not ready to make the proper lifestyle changes....not completely committed.
- More people trying to beat the system
- Many more people running out of steam at the 6 month mark
- Many more people having surgery..... than asking...what do I do now?
- There is some SERIOUS blind leading the blind going on!!!
(i hate that term....anyone got a better one.....I don't hate on blind people....really....I was not just regular FAT....I was SUPER FAT)

Elina had a great post about the people that are in the middle of this process.......

Here is a common scenario.......

(Disclaimer: Not everybody falls into this. Even people with smaller sleeves can fail also....just an observation....not asking you to can come up with your own observations)

Most can lose weight with any size sleeve the first 6 months. 6 months is kinda the first magic number. Tons of posts about WL slowing way down at 6 months.....

Ever notice how many people just drop off OH at around 6 months??? You would have to been here a while to notice. Yes, some got what they needed from OH and are out losing weight or at weight and doing life !!!! Yah !!!! Awesome !!!.........Than how many more ran outta juice and just couldn't do it anymore.....discouraged and back to old habits.

The bad thing is we don't get a true sampling of what's really up with sleeve size and eating plans....

If someone is 3 months out.....and says sleeve size doesn't matter.....I have a 42f sleeve and eating 1400 cals a day and I'm losing just fine......than they are gone after 6 months......
(again for example only)

The other threshold is 1 year.....Many don't make goal by the one year mark....than fade out......

Just observations......

Remember.....this is not about WL gotta keep it off to win.....

If you want to lose like Elina, Jimbo, Brandylynn, MiniMeNow, USAFwife, Jennchap, Stillfawn, georgeB, BigJohn, Lee, brownblonde, SuperRN....... any many gotta do what they do. Even if they didn't do it in a conventional way....they will be the first to tell you that.....

You do this smart with commitment and compliance to lifestyle and will do well....

If you don't try.....It's gonna be hard to do this....


SW 338lbs. GW 175lbs. Goal in 11 months. CW 148lbs. WL 190lbs.

          " To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art "

                                      VSG Maintenance Group Forum

                                           CAFE FRISCO at

                                                      Dr. Paul Cirangle

on 12/19/11 1:07 pm - CA
VSG on 01/09/12
I am fairly new to this forum, but I have been thinking all those same thoughts in reading the posts.  My Doc is so strict and the plan so precise I can't imagine having to ask What do I do next (and I sure hope I don't eat those words).  But I went through so much just to qualify, and have been given an epic tome worth of paperwork listing food plans, what to expect after surgery, etc.  I hope everyone who opts for VSG or any other bariatric procedure succeeds in their journey.  Mine continues in a little over 3 weeks at approx. 7:30 am and I can't wait.  I can only pray I will be as successful as you have been.
Susan C.
on 12/19/11 1:08 pm
I'm having surgery tomorrow and my surgeon doesn't have a very detailed plan; however, he does have his patients drink liquids for the first 4 weeks. I've come across Dr. Cirangle's plan and will be following it.  I agree, following his plan will give me a great start.  
Debra P.
on 12/19/11 1:27 pm - CA
VSG on 03/15/12
 Some people research and ask questions before surgery and unfortunately some wait till after...
I thank my lucky stars that Kaiser made me take all kinds of required educational classes and tested me on everything before approving surgery. I feel  reasonably confident I will be successful post op.
As far as sleeve size... I would refer to this.
I think the diffrerence between the "blind" and the "sighted" here is one thinks WLS is a cure and the other knows it is a tool.


Jessica O.
on 12/19/11 1:28 pm, edited 12/19/11 2:26 pm - Ann Arbor, MI
I went into surgery thinking, wow, this is awesome.  I had literally everything I needed to know and then some.  What I didn't have was personal experience which is why this forum (and youtube videos) came in so handy.  I went into surgery knowing EXACTLY what I needed to do and what was required of me post-op.  What I didn't realize was how I was going to feel after the surgery.  I didn't realize that I was going to be the one struggling to get in all my fluids and protein.  I didn't realize that vitamins and certain protein shakes were going to make me vomit.  You go into surgery thinking you'll come out following your surgeon's plan exactly, I mean, why wouldn't you?!  

It's great that you are able to be a poster child for the sleeve.  But what about the rest of us who just honestly want to know..."who else is going through what I am?"  You don't always get perfect results especially on a public forum.  Why should those people who aren't able to find a freaking protein shake they can tolerate feel bad about that?  

If someone has a question or needs to vent, isn't that why we are here?  This isn't the VSG board 2 years ago.  We are a new batch that want exactly what you want, to be healthy.  We also have questions that are valid to us.  This is almost 2012 where the VSG is becoming increasing popular as more insurance companies start to cover it.  Be prepared for more "scary ****"

It's not our job to screen whether or not someone is/was prepared for surgery.  Yes. there are a lot of Bariatric Hospital "Farms" gladly taking people's insurance money without fully educating them on their decision.  I am glad that person can come here and not be judged so we can give them lots of different advice and opinions.  Who else do they have?

I honestly hope that you haven't discouraged anyone from asking a question that may not be important to you but is important to them.  

Hopefully in two years, I'll still be on this board.  I promise you, I won't be the judgemental ***** just the skinny *****

Sleeved on 11/23/11 at 302lbs (309 sw.) 5'6" / 41 years old

Debra P.
on 12/19/11 1:35 pm - CA
VSG on 03/15/12


Samantha H.
on 12/19/11 1:36 pm - Kuwait City, Kuwait
on 12/19/11 1:56 pm - CA
VSG on 01/12/12

Being honest with people is not being judgemental.  Their mistakes are not always their fault (bad surgeon, bad post-op plan)  However, when they don't get the patronizing answer they want to hear they get all hurt.  Does it really help someone to justify their bad choices?

I have seen exactly the phenomenon Frisco described.....people last about 4-6 months here usually.  They normally leave after a few "im stalling" or "weight loss is slowing" posts.  The people that stay after reaching goal are doing it to keep their head in the game and hopefully pass along some of the wisdom they picked up a long the way.  I for one am extremely grateful for the advice and headstart on the mental game.

Jessica O.
on 12/19/11 2:26 pm - Ann Arbor, MI

No, it doesn't justify their bad choices.  You can offer your advice and if it helps, cool, if not, why go back and start another thread about how they are ruining the success rate of VSG.  Seriously?!  We are all doooooomed by the ignorant people on this VSG forum!  HOW DARE YOU ASK SUCH STUPID QUESTIONS!  Offended VSG Veteran is offended!!   

I'm grateful for people who don't make snarky posts about other posters.  Seriously, your internet argument is invalid.  I'm also grateful to the kind people who have given me advice even if my questions seemed "****ty" to someone else.  I'd rather be on this board than the other boards.  I've been here for over 3 years.  I like it here.    

I'm not going to argue on the internet.  I said my peace.  I'm an equal opportunity forum advice giver and receiver.  I appreciate the advice and help when I need it as I'm sure everyone else does.           

Sleeved on 11/23/11 at 302lbs (309 sw.) 5'6" / 41 years old

on 12/19/11 6:22 pm

I have thought the same damn thing. For a place who claims to be supportive and accepting, I'm not always convinced it is. 

I read every post on this board, did all my education classes, read people's blogs - but no one can prepare you for YOUR OWN experience.  When I posted about it, I felt like some of the "vets" rolled their eyes. Ya know what? This isn't two years ago and if this isn't the place to get help and add to what your surgeon tells you - then where is it?  Because I want to be there instead of here. 

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