Dr. Liza Maria Pompa Gonzales
First - the disclaimer LOL - I have never been seen by Dr. Pompa. I did do some research on her in the beginning of my search.
I personally spoke with one person who had the RNY with Dr. Pompa and it has been quite some time and she had only lost 20lbs. Now, that being said - this particular patient initially had the lapband, then converted to the sleeve and then figured because of her sweet tooth, she needed the RNY (and then never had "dumping syndrome", so she continues with the sweet tooth) - so 3 surgeries later, she still wasn't near "goal"....due to her own sabotage or how the surgery was done? I don't know the answer to that question.... If you want, I can get you in contact with that person - just PM me.
I have vaguely heard stories of Dr. Pompa not giving enough restriction/their sleeve was bigger then many of the other sleevers.
Someone posted this same question a little while back and another member posted this:
I think you should check out this pic
http://www.obesityhelp.com/photos/579251/1/My-Sleeve/ and talk to this person
http://www.obesityhelp.com/member/thenecklacelady .....she thought she had a sleeve but turned out that is not what she had.
Hope this helps.
Wow Needtobethin.....didn't mean to strike a nerve with you. I added a disclaimer, you must have missed it. I was also HONEST about the patient's history/possible reason for little weight loss. I could have just said that she had crappy results. I have offered to share this patient's information with her so she can speak with her personally. I never meant to say that she didn't "dump" because of poor surgeon skills...I may have not been so clear on this and for this, I apologize. To clarify: You are right, not everyone with the RNY dumps - she was HOPING to to lay off the sweets, but did not dump and can still eat sweets (which is why I said she could be hindering her own weight loss). What I meant when I said "how the surgery was done", I meant that maybe her pouch was not restrictive enough - and if you speak with this patient, she will tell you about other's experiences that didn't have good restriction....and can back it up.
I also posted a link to someone who DID have a personal experience with Dr. Pompa.
I didn't offer any of my "own" experiences or thought/feelings....I offered someone else's with contacts to back it up and thought I did it quite fairly. Didn't think that was out of line. Great for you if you had a good experience....by all means, share.....but don't berate me for sharing the knowledge I have acquired that someone may appreciate when trying to make an informed decision. I know I wanted to know everything possible when I was researching....
And I never said anything about "my" physician, Dr. Aceves.....you gathering that just because his name is under my Avatar....like Pompa is under yours? You're absolutely 100% right, Dr. Aceves is not the only good surgeon in MX. There were several others that I would have scheduled with, but turned out Dr. Aceves was a little cheaper. Nowhere in my post did I try and "sway" anyone towards my physician....I'm not even sleeved yet to effectively "push" my physician if you would have looked a little further down under my Avatar.
The post asked if "anyone" could give her some information. I didn't interpret "anyone" as "patients of Dr. Pompa ONLY".....and I don't ASSume anything as you obviously have (you know what they say about ASSumptions)....if they are asking for first-hand experience, they can say so and I would have never replied.
Have a good one!
All of Dr. Pompa's patients have a leak test that included an upper GI before they leave. If your stomach looked funny during the test, why wait 6 - 9 months later to say something. Why... no personal responsibility!!
Not that I care who uses whom for surgery but immediately after your surgery your stomach COULD look fine because of the EXTREME amount of swelling. It's not until 3-6 months that your swelling has gone down and you can really see via a test and really feel as in the amount you can eat what was done.
Ms Shell

I must have missed where you "answered" ALL of the OP's questions....sounded more like a sales pitch to me, but hey.....you are entitled to that! And I WOULD have had the answers to these questions for her if Dr. Pompa's office would have called me back in the beginning so I could have asked them - grateful now they didn't call....
What I don't understand is why YOU can't resolve to the fact that maybe not everyone's experience was gumdrops and cupcakes like yours. What do you think the OP was trying to do when she wrote this post? Research. There is nothing wrong with what I posted and just so happened that there was someone with personal "first-hand" knowledge had a similar experience.

I REALLY don't understand why you think that any lay-person would be able to read a GI and tell what is what when there is nothing beside it to "compare" to. Don't put that on the patient. Personal responsibility? Really? Where is the physician's responsibility? Why would it be the patient's responsibility to make sure that the surgeon did her job that she advertises she is more then qualified to do and took the patient's money to do it correctly?

The patient's responsibility is to do as much research as possible to communicate with their surgeon and make an informed decision. I felt it was MY responsibility to share the knowledge I had that helped ME in making a decision to the use this physician or not (whether you agree with it or not, frankly I don't give a damn - I'm entitled to that), you felt it to be YOUR responsibility to share your knowledge and you are entitled to that. I didn't discredit your experience or call you a liar. I'm glad that you had a good experience and hope that you don't have the same experiences further along as others had! Did you read and understand your GI before you left? Maybe it is something that happens post-surgery?
Bottom line is, it isn't your decision to make. Why not let all experiences come into play and then allow the OP to make a decision? Trying to "block" stories because you don't agree with the outcome and try to mask it as "second hand" is dangerous. You know, if I had blew out a bunch of hot air and didn't offer any proof to back it up, I would have apologized.....but I didn't share my opinions - I shared a link to someone who did have a personal story and offered contact information for another. Get over yourself, really. I'm glad you love your surgeon - sing it wherever you would like. I promise not to berate you for your feelings, experiences and opinions (oops...okay, going forward because I did have to comment on the stupidity of the whole "patient responsibility" comment - geesh....still can't get over that ignorant of a statement) and it would be nice if you would show the same respect.
Best of luck to you.
All of Dr. Pompa's patients have a leak test that included an upper GI before they leave. If your stomach looked funny during the test, why wait 6 - 9 months later to say something. Why... no personal responsibility!!
Wow... you are seriously defensive.
The other person did not make the claims you infer. She did not mention her own surgeon. She did not have personal experience to offer so she gave the OP a place to obtain that personal experience.
Dr. Pompa makes large stomachs, no way around it. Some of her patients can eat an entire chicken breast three weeks post op. I'm 26 months post op and can't eat that much.
She did surgery on Joyce and it wasn't even a sleeve, it was an hourglass with mesh. She did a sleeve on another person didn't have a sleeve, she had a cone with a bubble at the top and she had to have RNY done in the US because the job was done so poorly that she was starting to be unable to get food and water down.
Shall I continue? I can bring these people over here and they can give their own personal experiences.
Newbies don't necessarily know how much they should be able to eat at any stage of the game. I don't give a fig if they didn't figure it out until 3 months post op or 10 years post op, if it wasn't done correctly it wasn't done correctly.
The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.
See my blog for newbies: http://wasabubblebutt.blogspot.com/
I have seen the quote:
"There are three people posting on the sleeve board right now that can all eat a great deal of food and they all have a 32F stomach and the same surgeon. One girl could eat a whole chicken breast 3 weeks post op. I'm at 10 months and there is no way I could eat that. I have a 32F stomach and I can eat 2oz of solid protein at a time."
This is your general statement for any reason why someone may not be loosing weight. Surgery is performed on your stomach not your head. Though apparently some may need that also. If someone is eating chicken 3 weeks after surgery, they have another problem all together.
I am loosing weight with no problem, no hunger, 1 - 3 oz at a time. I will be at goal by Feb at the latest. I will work my tool and not let it or you work me.
The end, don't bother responding.