Iron deficiency anemia

Gail G.
on 3/27/08 6:00 am - Glendora, Ca
I am 6 years out from having roux-en-y surgery.  One week ago was diagnosed with anemia, iron very low.  Saw an internist yesterday and she was going to put me on 1 month of iron supplements, but when she found out I had gastric bypass surgery, she said the pills wouldn't work and set me up for iron iv therapy tomorrow.  She said that I will need to be monitored for the rest of my life, and that the iv therapy is the only way to go.  Has anyone experienced this?  I just think it's weird, since I'm 6 years out and have only been slightly anemic about 2 years ago.
on 3/27/08 7:24 am

Gail - I am in the same boat - but I am 3 years out - would like to hear anyone's advice concerning this that the possibilities of being turned down for a revision..... Jo

on 3/27/08 7:35 am - Sturgis, MI
Hi Gail. I had surgery back in 2001. Although I had lots of problems, I am also anemic and have to be monitored, They tried giving me iron injections(in the rear) but they did not absorb either so I had to have the infusions. Just like an iv. Boy, what a difference it makes. Since we don't absorb all our vitamins, it does take a while for our body to "deplete" itself of vitamin levels before it gets to a low level. Some people never have a problem. Some of us do. Monitoring it just means they will want to check your iron(blood draw) every 3 or 6 months to make sure everything is where it needs to be..As long as the levels are where they need to be, there shouldn't be ay problem with any surgery. They always take levels prior to surgery. Amy
on 3/27/08 7:38 am - Cincinnati, OH
From my own experience, my dad's, and mother-in-law's, the doctors usually try to bring it up with supplements first and if that doesn't work, then the iv therapy.  I'm the only one of us who's had GB but if I'm compliant, the supplements work. Do you take supplements now? We should all be doing that and having blood work at least once a year. I've heard the iv therapy is unpleasant and that's why they do them after trying supplements. Please remember, I don't really know anything and people tell you all kinds of stuff. I would talk to my WLS surgeon.
Cheryl Gebbie
on 3/27/08 7:55 am - Knoxville, TN
I have to have Iron Infusion therapy every year about 3 or 4 times ..1 time a week ...this year though the doc gave me an aranesp injection to help build up my red blood cells .... its not uncommon for WLS patients to have t have the iron infusion and you do feel alot better once you have it done. Cheryl
on 3/27/08 8:39 am
Gail,  I also have to get iron infusions.  I had my GB in 1993.  I've been getting the infusions for about the past 3 years.  It's really not a big deal and you do feel beter afterwards. When I get mine.. I have to take a benadryl  (SP) before I get the infusion in case I take a reaction to it.  Then the put the needel in... It's just like an IV... Then you set there for about 1 hour while the drip bag finishes.  After that, your good to go.  I'm a little sleepy from the Benadryl but that's it.   I'm suprised this is not more talked about and common.  Think about it.  If we can obsorb iron from a pill, we should be able to absorb iron from our food.  The both go in and come out the same way.. So.. I think if your are a GB patient and become anemic.. This really is the way to go. I get them done 3 times a year.  Good luck,  Jeannie
nan c
on 3/27/08 1:21 pm - Brooklyn, NY


I'm 2 1/2 years post-op roux-en-y. Every year I have blood work done. First I needed to supplement vitamin D, then next year it was B-12 and this past week, I too was found to be suffering from anemia. My doctor put me on a prescription called Repliva 21/7. There are 21 iron pills and the last 7 days of the 28-day prescription are absorption pills to help my keep the iron longer in my system. This is a monthly prescription. I also still take B-12, C, D, calcium and a multi-vitamin. I just started yesterday, so I really can't tell you if it works yet.

Good Luck

Nan C

on 3/28/08 2:58 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Hi Gail, I had gastric bypass in March 2004 and I have very recently been diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia - not terribly anemic but enough that has me dragging my butt way too much of the time. My WLS surgeon has prescribed iron therapy, pills - but not over the counter. He said my blood work needs to be rechecked in 6 months. I wouldn't go right to the IV without getting a second opinion. Hope this helps! Maureen
on 4/6/08 2:25 pm - Denton, TX
I too have been very anemic for the last few years. I took various iron sups that did not work because I would practically bleed to death with my monthly. Since i have had my last child, and have had a tubal, a Dr suggested I have an Ablasion. Ended my monthly for ever. Still have all my parts so hormones aren't an issue. I began taking Chromagen Forte Trx after that and my iron has been creeping up since. I am now feeling SOOOO much better!!! Chromagen is expensive- $45 a month and insurance doesn't cover it, but I won't go a day without it
on 4/12/08 10:37 pm - conway, AR
Hello, I got a months supply of chromagen and can't take it. If anyone wants them free just email me at [email protected]
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