quiltz’s Posts

on 11/14/08 9:40 pm
Topic: RE: Glad to be back
Seems like ages since I could get on this site!  We moved to Kuwait and I couldn't get through for anything!  Finally, today, after 4 weeks I got through.  Must admit, things are a bit dicey right now.  Major issues with one of my DS (being a major jerk), international move, new foods and access to foods, etc.  I'm just trying to hang on right now.  I am beginning to get a grasp on the food issues and where to find what I need.  Just keep me in your thoughts.  I haven't come this far to give up or go back.
on 8/16/08 4:17 pm
Topic: RE: Create Time For Self-Compassion
I have found the vast majority of us who have been obese, have never learned to be good to ourselves.  We were too busy trying to win acceptance and became world champion care givers.  I think dealing with that issue is every bit as important as the surgery.  The best advice I ever read on OH was to avoid toxic foods, toxic people and toxic relationships.  When I follow that advice, I am finally learning to care for myself and it feels really good!
on 6/18/08 1:07 pm
Topic: RE: Online schooling...
My (adult) son is using University of Phoenix on-line.  It has been a great experience for him and he was able to preserve many of his old credits.  It is adult learning based and your work experience is an integral part of the process.
on 6/15/08 2:05 pm
Topic: RE: Need Baby Gift Suggestions
An aunt (long since gone) started a tradition of taking double-sided flannel (good quality) and making a large square (width of fabric).  She put a very simple crocheted edging on them.  Each of the family got 2 of these great receiving blankets with each baby.  They wore like iron and were large enough to use until the baby was a toddler.  I have put the ones I received away for my sons to use for their babies and am making more exactly like them for extras.  It is a quick, inexpensive, lasting and handmade gift.
on 6/15/08 2:00 pm
I am 2 1/2 weeks out from my first knee replacement.  Like you, I had severe pain and could not exercise.  My orthopedic surgeon said no way was I to put any additional stress on my knees, but I had to lose weight to have them done.  I think that was my "Ah-ha" moment.  Hypertension, etc. hadn't gotten my attention, but the idea of having to live with that pain was more than I could envision for the rest of my life.  It was time for my wls.   I have lost everything plus 30 pounds toward the goal the orthopedic doctor required.  The extra 30 was my "cushion".  The surgery is painful, but they have great ways of helping you deal with that.  Physical therapy isn't any great fun, but an absolute must.  I encourage you to do weight lifting with your upper body.  It helps during your recovery besides being good for you overall.  Putting off the surgery another 2 years is only going to guarantee 2 more years of increasing pain.  I still have another knee to go (although it is not as bad as the one just done).  Ask your orthopedic doctor about Supartz injections in your knees.  They gave me much comfort I would not have had otherwise.  Best of luck.
on 5/26/08 2:02 pm
Topic: RE: Miserable Night....what do you do?
I'm so sorry you had such an awful night!  I sometimes take Tums with Calcium (chewables) and found El Poucho tends to feel better.  The pink stuff was something my surgeon told us not to use (can't remember why).  The possibility of the time zone changes and the calm after the storm of little kids and a new grandchild could certainly be factors.  Be gentle with yourself today!  We love you!!
on 5/4/08 7:38 am
Topic: RE: Over 50? Please share your experience
I had my surgery last July.  I'm 61.  I have not had any complications and have lost 150 pounds (35 of which was before surgery).  Would I do it again....in a heartbeat!  Do your research, be sure you have a good surgeon and all the best!
on 5/4/08 7:36 am
Topic: RE: OT: Fentanyl Patches with knee replacement
Thank you so much for responding and for the great information.  I'll get a roll of medical tape before I go to the hospital just in case I'm a "no-stickum" person too!
on 5/3/08 5:45 pm
Topic: RE: OT: Fentanyl Patches with knee replacement
I know several of you have had knee replacements.  I am having one later this month.  I talked to the surgeon about pain relief afterwards.  I have taken Ultram in the past, but it didn't do well with my pouch.  He has suggested the Fentanyl patch.  It sounds great for my pouch, but has so many potential bad side effects, not the least of which is addiction similar to that of heroin addiction.  I realize I would only be on it for a relatively short time, but definitely don't want to get addicted.  What has your experience been with the pain, what did you take for it and if you used fentanyl patches did you have any problems from them?  Thanks so much in advance.
on 4/30/08 4:18 pm
Topic: RE: Only 3 days to go and I am scared....
I think your anxiety is perfectly normal.  I wish they would deal with this particular issue during the classes before surgery since we all seem to go through it.  If you were going into this with no concerns, I'd question whether you had a good grasp on the reality of surgery.  It helped me a bit to do the math.  My odds of dying in surgery were tiny compared to the definite probability I was dying with my obesity.  All the best and see you on the Loser's Bench!
on 4/29/08 4:08 pm
Topic: RE: Not sure what to say
Isn't it amazing how people KNOW how to handle obesity?  Funny thing is, we have tried everything from soup to nuts and in the process ruined our metabolisms, suffered the shame of regain and more than anything proved diets don't work.  Sadly there has been so much bad publicity about wls...where do they get those stories????  You don't need to explain anything to these people.  The ones that are true friends won't expect any explanations and the rest don't count!  Take a minute to think about why you feel you have to give them an explanation.  In my case, I realized it was one more way of trying to gain the acceptance I had missed out on in the past.  That made it much easier to either say nothing at all, or possibly, I am doing the best thing for my health.  Best Wishes!
on 4/28/08 4:29 pm
Topic: RE: Planning knee replacement
Nine months ago I had my surgery.  Unlike the majority of you, my knees seemed to worsen after surgery (they were bad already).  I had Supartz injections done which were very helpful and the doctor told me the weight where he would like to see me before doing the surgery.   Personally, I wanted to get lower than his request and today I am 20 pounds below his number and ready to tackle the next surgery.  I am so thankful for my wls.  Without it I would still be in the terrible physical downward spiral and constant pain.  It has given me the chance for an entire new life.  I'm pretty antsy about the pain of the surgery, but hopefully will remember I might not have ever had the surgery if not for my wls.
on 4/20/08 5:47 pm
Topic: RE: OT: a scar in the grand scope of things
We had the great fun of living in the UK due to my husband's job.  Of course, the wildlife there is such a part of the landscape.  One day I was reading and looked out the sliding glass door and saw the most beautiful pheasant in the back garden.  I kept bird seed (for "emergencies") so I tossed some out on the patio for him.  Over then next few weeks I named him "Pretty Boy Floyd".  As the time passed, PBF would show up about the same time every day for his handout.  One day he pecked on the window.  I thought he had eaten all his seeds, but realized he had carefully picked out just the cracked corn.  The next time I went to the store, I got cracked corn just for him and sure enough that was exactly what he wanted...he would peck at the door and I would supply his needs.  We had great respect for one another.....him for bringing such beauty into the day and me for being the Cracked Corn Lady.  He came back the next year and it was like finding a dear friend all over again.  The next year we returned to the US, but I will never forget the gift of beauty he brought to me.
on 4/20/08 5:38 pm
Topic: RE: 55 and not sure what to expect
You didn't mention which procedure you are investigating.  That can make a difference.  I think your surgeon is being a bit conservative.  I'm 62 and losing very well (as well as many of the younger gals).  At 55 you are just a spring chicken!
on 4/17/08 3:12 pm
Topic: RE: Pain medications...for knee pain
I'm at a loss and know several of you have had knee problems so of course, I'm coming to you!  I have bone on bone degeneration in my right knee.  This was diagnosed before my wls and the orthopedic doctor would not operate on me due to my weight (rightly so).  Now I'm down 150 pounds (yipee) and can have the surgery.  My fear at this point is the post op pain.  I have been on ultram for months for the pain and it has suddenly turned vicious and started really irritating my pouch big time.  Ultram is what the doctor told me he would put me on after I come off the narcotics for the remainder of my recovery.  He is not really too current on the special needs we have and will be talking to my wls surgeon before the surgery, but just out of curiosity, what medications have you taken for pain that didn't irritate El Poucho?  I'm not about to get into major pouch issues if I can avoid it at all!
on 4/5/08 5:08 pm
Topic: RE: Best Friends!
Got an e-mail from a long time friend.  She recently visited the city we both once lived in and had talked to mutual friends there.  I had also visited there in February.  Apparently the "old gang" discussed my weight loss to some great length.  To my face, it had all been "you look fantastic".  To my back it was more of "she looks gaunt".  My friend's email went on to say they were worried developed complications and had not told them about it because I looked "so bad".  She reminded me of how "many people have awful problems after wls". I am still 50 pounds from my goal so don't tell me I'm gaunt!!!!  I have had no complications from my surgery.  I am healthier and happier than I have been in many, many years.  In short...it is time for new friends.
on 4/5/08 4:50 pm
Topic: RE: How old is to old?
Three cheers for your mom!!!  Too old is when they put you 6 feet under.  Until then, she is alive and kicking and finding new ways to define herself.  There are doctors out there very capable of evaluating her physical and mental condition to be sure she is a candidate.
on 2/21/08 10:58 am
Topic: RE: WOW! Moment
I quickly got off all medications except for blood pressure right after surgery.  I kept on with the B/P medication and it just wouldn't go down.  Now 7 months out, I had a doctor's visit this morning and and now officially off all medications!  My health and my pocket book love it!
on 2/19/08 12:52 pm
Topic: RE: WLS
Welcome to OH!  I'm so sorry you haven't received any replies yet.  I'm so glad you have started the process to having your surgery and getting to the day when your health will improve more than you could imagine.  You might also want to visit the Surgery over 50 Forum on OH.  Just go to Forums at the top of the page and select more forums.  The next page has many different forums listed an you will find us there.  Many of us are regulars on OH that are over 50.  As far a dieting, I wouldn't want to give an opinion for no other reason than you are an insulin dependent diabetic.  The doctor that treats you diabetes can help you out there.  In my case I did make a point of losing some weight before surgery because I was told it would help decrease the size of my liver thereby making my surgery easier.  I am now 7 months out and have lost a total of 135 pounds.  This reflects the 35 pounds I lost before surgery.  Come here often.  I think you will find people to relate to and I know they have answered many a question for me.  I hope your journey will be swift and your surgery will give you the health you need and deserve.  Give your dh an extra hug for supporting you in this process!
on 1/22/08 2:20 am
Topic: RE: Wow Moment!
As of today I am not SMO or MO, just O!  First time in 20 years!
on 1/19/08 12:00 am
I would be very prone to calling the police to be there when she is scheduled to pick up his things.  Tell them you are afraid she might get physical.  It gives you a great witness if she does get weird and it also lets her know you are not going to stand by and take this in the shorts!  I'm with the post on the HIPPA law as well.  I cannot see how she was able to get any information from the therapist unless dh approved it.  If he didn't, the therapist has some big questions to answer if she was involved!  People talk all the time about getting divorced and never do a single thing about it.  Saying you might and actually initiating procedures is two entirely different things!  The reality is, she is getting to find out for herself just how "sane" good old Dad is.  Get the lawyer and go for it!  Good luck!
on 1/18/08 11:47 pm
Topic: RE: DOING BACKFLIPS....quietly yelling at 2:30 a.m.!!!
Congratulations all over the place!!!!  There is nothing like checking posts early in the morning and finding one that celebrates the wonders of this surgery the way your post did.  You earned this moment so enjoy it!!!  As far as being quiet...no way, Jose.  Call the local high school and hire their band then have a parade for yourself!
on 1/10/08 12:07 pm
Topic: RE: Need Swift Kick in the Keester
Okay, this is the "tell all" post.  I've seen many others and really thought I was Teflon and wouldn't ever fall prey to the evil old habits.  I have had a rough few weeks emotionally and also having lots of knee pain.  Well tonight, I decided to have a good old fashioned pity party and ate more than I could imagine possible since my surgery.  I knew better than to do it all at once so I spaced it out so El Poucho wouldn't go crazy.  I'd love to say I or at least dumped, but no.  All I did was a huge disservice to myself.  I know what the trigger was and now I have to address it.  I'm calling in the AM to get an appt with the shrink and try to get my head screwed back on.  I ask you to keep me in your thoughts.  I get so much from OH and am thankful you guys are out there tonight.  Now to get back on the right track. 
on 1/5/08 10:57 pm
Topic: RE: Wow! A Big Pick-Me-Up!
My eldest son is without a doubt the most giving person I have ever known.  He never passes a homeless person without giving a few bucks and often returns with a warm meal to boot, Toys for Tots can count on him for 3 bicycles a year plus some dolls and trucks, ASPCA always gets a generous check, he gives to his church and the relief fund on base.  His income is limited, but he always has enough and more.  He has learned the lesson what you put into the world comes back threefold.  He never expects a thank you, just pass the kindness along.  I'm so proud of him.
on 12/31/07 10:37 am
Topic: RE: A Brand New Slate
Going into 2007, I was shackled with SMO, no self-esteem, and pain all over my entire body.  Staying home with no outside contact was the norm.  Depression had become my middle name. Going into 2008...I have lost 119 pounds since July 16th.  I have found energy I thought was lost forever, the pains have lessened more than I dared to hope for, depression still crops up occasionally, but is much easier to cope with, I'm getting out of the house much more and I am finding an entirely new life.  I'm getting new knees this year which will help my improvements even more. If anyone reading this is contemplating wls, it is worth it!  If you are reading this and have been on of the many here on OH to help me on this journey, I owe you a debt that cannot be re-paid.  Know you are the most special of people...each and everyone of you. May 2008 be a wonderful year for all!
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