OT: Update on my Fear of Flying

(deactivated member)
on 4/29/10 1:52 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
First I want to thank everyone who posted encouragement...I really appreciate it.

I've been doing A LOT of reading and research on ways to bet this.  Most of what I've read I already knew....it's safer than driving, there are many backup systems in place in case something fails, planes don't just drop out of the sky, shaking and rattling is normal...just like hitting bumps in the road in a car, planes are built to withstand turbulence, etc, etc.

HOWEVER, I'm not totally there yet.....but I am finding the more I think about all the safety aspects of it the better I feel about doing it.

I so badly WANT to be able to fly. I kind of daydream about being able to just get on a plane.   

I've decided to postpone my trip for a couple of weeks.  Why?? ...a couple reasons....
1- I don't think I'm healed enough after my surgery....I need the daily excessive swelling to be done before I go otherwise I will spend the entire week in pain from being so swollen.  Weather I fly or take the train all that running around and hours sitting will cause my legs/feet to swell and since I'll be running around every day it will just get worse.  Sooo I'm holding off, just a few weeks.
2- This give me more time to get comfortable with the idea of flying.  I'm thinking of taking a lesson with a local flight school...maybe being in the ****pit will help me understand it all and feel better about it.  Sounds radical but maybe that's what I need.   Plus I'm going to see if the major airlines do any classes.

So..... I thank you for your support.  I thank you for letting me spew about this.  I really do find "talking" about it helps. 

I'll let you know if I buy airline tickets or not.
Nancy H.
on 4/29/10 3:02 am - Traverse City, MI
Good luck! I know you will beat this fear.
on 4/29/10 3:21 am - Shelbyville, MI
Good for you taking it easy...keep that swelling down!

Maybe you can check on local university's in your area that have aviation.
I betcha they would let you sit in class or maybe they even would have a student "mentor" you in regards to the fear of flying...just a suggestion.
(deactivated member)
on 4/29/10 3:57 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Great suggestion....thanks!!
karen C.
on 4/30/10 12:27 pm - Kennewick, WA


 I don't like take offs and landings but once I'm up there I want a BIG plane and LOTS of people with me. I don't do little planes. Too much like carnival rides for me! I get major motion sick on rides and I have no desire to be behind the controls. I've always thought I'd love parachuting. . .  but only after I got out of the plane. I think someone would have to kick me out and then I fear that I might pull my cord too soon and get tangled up.

Nope, you are not alone my dear. If I think about things too much I can get paralized but I just love to go so much and it takes so long to get to some of those places that I just suck it up! I've never had a really bad flight, did have a tire blow on landing once, but nothing like you've experienced.

 I really think that you are working on this in a positive way. I think expressing yourself and getting that fear out in the open is good. I can really build things up even more when I keep it locked inside.  Who knows perhaps you will be piloting your own little plane one of these days!

Karen C

on 5/2/10 11:08 am - Dallas, TX
I've taken a course for very frequent flyers with Delta Airlines called Road Warrior Training...sort of a mini flight attendant boot camp when they train us to be able to help the flight crew in case of an emergency.

The head of Delta training mentioned that she was working on a course for people who have a fear of flying. I don't know if that is available at this time but you could email her at [email protected] to ask.

Good luck with this...I wish I could share my love of flying with you!

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