Dollface-1981’s Posts

on 2/4/12 11:01 pm
Topic: RE: I Can Do It :) New Tattoo !!!

I finally got my tattoo!  I have thought about what tattoo I would get when I lost 100 pounds since before I even had my Gastric Bypass... and I really wasn't sure for a long time if it would even happen!  Its been a long road getting here and even though I'm not quite done yet.. I am so proud of my WLS tattoo.  It was worth every minute of the pain (and yes it was painful!)  I am covered in tattoos... and even though it may not look like it... I hate getting tattooed!


 Here I am ready to start... 

Getting the outline done... Its been a long time since I have had a large tattoo done and the outline hurt really bad for the first few minutes... but thankfully I get used to it pretty fast!!!

And here it is :)  My take on the famous Rosie the Riveter WWII icon.  Ive always liked her and Im thankful that Jason (my co worker who did my tattoo for me) was able to make her into the old school type of tattoo that I love!  Clean lines and bright colours.. I couldn't be happier with her!  Shes been a long time coming!




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on 2/1/12 10:22 pm
Topic: RE: Losing in all the wrong places!
 I bought a new bra today. Size 34C.    This whole weight loss journey has been about getting smaller and losing inches... But to be able to fit into a 34C hurts my heart.     I didn't have much in the breast area growing up... Even as a teenager I was lucky if I was a B Cup. I didn't start to develop until I started having kids. The more kids I had, the more weight I put on... The bigger my breasts would get.    Before surgery I was a 40F.  I guess I felt like it was my best feature. Now I am a VERY deflated 34C.  It makes me real sad. I can deal with the saggy skin pretty much everywhere else but I hate my breasts.    I guess I'm having a bad day. After being in so much pain with my gallbladder  ... By the way the clinic was closed yesterday so I have to go back today at 5.... And then shopping for smaller bras... And then watching the show called "My 600 Pound Life" I guess I've put myself in a bit of a funk :(   That show is really good. Ive only seen one episode but they followed a lady named Melissa for 7 years through her Gastric Bypass Journey ... Her starting weight was around 650 pounds and she got down to around 157... An then back up to 214 by the end.  They showed her going through surgery, and then through skin removal... Depression... Complications... Losing a baby... Having a cheating husband...   So much for one person to go through... Yet she did it. Amazing. Definitely an inspiration. And after watching what she had to go through... My self image issues seem pretty stupid in comparison!!!!   I have so much to be thankful for ... I really shouldn't waste time on the       "woe is me" crap!     Annnddd..... I'm done. 
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on 2/1/12 12:33 am
Topic: RE: Hernia HELP??????
I am 9 days out from having my Gallbladder removed.  For the most part I am feeling better and my incisions on my stomach are healing nicely...

but the one they did inside my bellybutton is sooooo sore!  It hurts to wear pants and when I lay down there is a huge hard lump behind it.  Im probably over reacting ... but google answers scared the crap out of me lol

A few days ago I finally had to go #2.. after not going for almost 6 days.... it was painful and I strained ALOT to get it out... Im worried maybe Ive caused a hernia...

any thoughts or anyone else experience this kind of pain before???
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on 1/29/12 11:44 am
Topic: RE: Jan 28/12 - New Do!!!
 Thank you guys soooo much! You are all so nice and make me feel so beautiful! Its amazing to have this support group!
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on 1/29/12 11:43 am
Topic: RE: Jan 28/12 - New Do!!!
 After seeing your pics I finally had the nerve :) you look amazing!
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on 1/28/12 11:01 pm
Topic: RE: Gall bladder out and SO MUCH PAIN!
  Just had mine out on Monday do I feel your pain ... Literally!  The gas pain wa the worst an I has no clue they were gonna give me 4 new holes!  Im feeling better now.... My tummy still hurts but it's a thousand times better!  I go back to work today... Worried a little bit!  I really hope you feel better soon!!!!
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on 1/28/12 11:35 am
Topic: RE: Jan 28/12 - New Do!!!
 It's been 5 days and I'm starting to feel more like myself again. Back to work tomorrow :) it sucked real bad for the first two days though!
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on 1/28/12 11:16 am
Topic: RE: Jan 28/12 - New Do!!!


  I got my hair cut today!  When I was younger I lives having short hair. I always felt like there was so many ways to style it. Then when I started gaining weight I started to grow my hair out. It made me feel more comfortable and safe to have long hair to hide behind and camouflage my du-lap!!!
Since having my Gastric Bypass I've noticed that every time I would go for a haircut it would get shorter and shorter... And then today I went all out and just chopped it all off!  
I didn't know if I liked it at first... Its soo different but I do. I love it!  It's hard to explain... I know it's just hair but if felt so liberating. I have no reason to hide anymore!  I can't wait to show it off at work tomorrow!    P.S.  I am the queen of before and after pictures.. I love to compare.. most of the time its the only way I can see a difference!!
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on 1/23/12 2:56 pm
Topic: RE: Gallbladder all gone :)
 I had my gallbladder surgery today and it went as well as can be expected. I'm home now and having trouble sleeping. It's like déjà vu from my gastric bypass. I have 4 laporscoptic incisions which are more sore than I thought they would be.... And gas pain so bad! Feels like I was just going through this! Lol. No more surgeries!!!!   Other than that I'm feeling pretty good :). I'll update my blog in the morning
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on 1/22/12 5:33 am
Topic: RE: PICS! 8 months post-op... 3lbs from goal!

YOU LOOK AMAZING!!!  I absolutely love your hair.. and I cant believe how different you look!!!!  


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on 1/22/12 5:31 am
Topic: RE: Gallbladder Advice
So I'm going in tomorrow morning to have my gallbladder taken out.  I know its just day surgery and it will probably be a lot easier to deal with then when I had my bypass.. but I was hoping that there may be some people on here who have gone through it  and can let me know what their recovery was pain wise.  How long they took off from work, etc 

I know that everyone heals differently but any feedback would be appreciated!

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on 1/19/12 2:53 am
Topic: RE: Gallbladder
 I'm so glad to hear it!  I'm only able to take a couple days off from work lol so I'm hoping to be better quick!
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on 1/19/12 2:31 am
Topic: RE: Gallbladder
 Well it looks like my gallbladder issue is a bit worse than I thought!  I went to see my Surgeon today. (dr. Hagen) and he pretty much said it has to come out. He scheduled me to have it removed Friday feb 3rd. Which is in two weeks. Just as I was wrapping my head around that and trying to figure out work and kids... They called me back and moved it to this Monday! Oh boy lol.  I know it's going to be a walk in the park compared to the Gastic Bypass but I still hate being put under!  Wish me luck!
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on 1/17/12 1:10 am
on 1/17/12 1:02 am
Topic: RE: Relationships after WLS.. long..
A fellow WLS patient just uploaded a video about her experiences with relationships post weight loss. I thought it was a great topic and thought I would share my own views since they were quite different from hers. Which is not surprising since I know that everyone has different experiences!  
First... Friendships. Most of my friends have been nothing but supportive and nice (although I'm sure they may get sick of me talking about it and who knows what they say when I'm not around lol)  I do try not to talk about it too much with certain people because i don't want them to feel uncomfortable but it is hard when its such a huge part of my life and im so excited about it!   I know for myself that some of my friendships have dwindled over the past few months. I do understand that friendships can change after WLS especially if those friendships revolve around food.  I have seen that there can be some jealousy when someone loses a lot of weight.. Others can feel left behind.  I know this because i have been on both sides of it.  I feel that if you do lose friends through this process, maybe some of those friendships would've ended anyway.  Not just because of weight loss.   And then there are the people who I hardly ever used to talk to who are super friendly to me now... Part of me want to ask them why they all of a sudden have such an interest in me when a year ago they wouldn't have even given me the time of day. Then there are the friends who say things.. Intentionally or not... That hurt.  Asking why I just didn't go to the gym more or eat less. Why I was taking the easy way out when there are others that they know who lost 100 pounds on Jenny Craig etc. Those people don't understand that obesity is a disease. I'm not just lazy and I didn't just eat junk food all day everyday. Yes I made poor choices but there was so much more to it.  And if you think the having Gastric Bypass is the easy way out, you are VERY mistaken! Last but not least there are the friends that I have made BECAUSE of WLS.  Some that I have had the privilege to meet in person and some that I only know online but I consider them part of my family.  I am so lucky to have such a wonderful support system. I cherish each and everyone of my friends!
As for family... For the most part my family has been very supportive. I know when my sister lost all of her weight I was VERY jealous of her. I thought she was changing and leaving me behind  we didn't have things in common anymore and i resented her.  It wasn't until  I myself was losing the weight that i finally understood what she went through.  I have had weight issues with some family members my whole life and I know that there are some that didn't believe that I could do it or thought I would fail or think that i will regain it all back.  I am only 7 months out but I intend to prove them wrong.  Family is family no matter what and I believe I have become a lot closer with mine through this.
Now when it comes to sexual relationships, My husband and I were together for almost 3 years before I had surgery. We got married when my weight was at my highest. I know he loves me no matter what I look like. I also know that he loves the fact that I have more "stamina" now lol  Even though I am still very self conscience about my skin and I think he is too. I feel almost more self conscience now then when i was bigger.  At least then I filled out my skin and had big breasts.  Now that I am getting smaller I have sooo much skin. It's gross. I hide it with spanx and padded bras but when it's just my husband and I at home... It's not that easy. I constantly feel that I am unattractive. It's a hard transition full of emotions and stress. And I know how hard its been for him too.. Watching me get sick and going to the doctors with me.  Feeling guilty for eating things in front of me when he shouldn't because he didn't choose this, I did. I have seen and heard of many relationships ending after WLS.   I believe that if you didn't have a strong relationship before.. Having surgery will not fix it.  I am VERY thankful to have such a supportive husband! 
Only keep those in your life that want to be there. The rest aren't worth your time!
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on 1/16/12 2:00 am
Topic: RE: Gallstones :(
 Well it turns out I do have gallstones. They did an ultrasound and found them. I'm back on a liquid diet and I have an appt to see Dr. Hagen on Thursday. They say the gallstones are uncomplicated so I'm not sure what happens from here. 
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on 1/15/12 9:52 pm
Topic: RE: Gallstones :(
Has anyone had any experience with gallstones?  I was at the hospital last night for 6 hours with severe pain in my abdomen and back... they did blood work and a xray.. both came back fine, but are sending me for an ultrasound this morning.  They said it may be my gallbladder.

I was just wondering for people who have dealt with it, what were your symptoms?

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on 1/11/12 12:27 am
Topic: RE: Coasting...NOT Maintaining...
 As you can see you are not alone!  I'm also down 110 pounds and I needed to hear that! Back to basics... Back to the gym!  THANK YOU!
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on 1/8/12 11:05 am
Topic: RE: Would make a good tattoo for WL
 I'm finally getting my WLS tattoo this Friday!  I'll keep you posted. And I love this saying!
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on 1/7/12 4:41 am
Topic: RE: Size 16!!!!!!
 Thank you so much everyone!  I for got to mention the best part LOL. I'm also out of plus size underwear!!!!!  Its so nice not to have them falling off my butt now lol
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on 1/7/12 12:55 am
Topic: RE: Size 16!!!!!!
 This morning I tried on a pair of size 16 jeans and the fit perfectly. I then sat down in my bed and cried  I have gone from a size 28 to a size 16 in 7 months. It's so crazy. Is it weird that the attention freaks me out a bit? Don't get me wrong...  I like it and I appreciate the kind words but sometimes it's just akward lol
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on 1/5/12 11:16 pm
Topic: RE: A trying Month.......
 Thanks everyone!  I take calcium , iron, b12, vitamin D, and a prenatal vitamin. And I just use a knife to cut the prenatal and the calcium in half. The rest are fine. 
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on 1/5/12 9:22 am
Topic: RE: A trying Month.......

December was a really trying month for me.  My whole family ended up getting that horrible flu that was going around.  My daughter had pneumonia, my husband ended up with a chest infection and I had the stomach flu and a wicked cough.  I got to the point where I couldn't eat because I was throwing up so much, and then when I got to the point that I could eat, nothing would stay down because I had gone so long without food. 


The doctor ended up putting me back on liquids for about a week, and that is what ended up pushing me over my 100 pound loss.  So it wasn't necessarily a bad thing!


Unfortunately, not being able to go to the gym for almost two weeks was.  I tried a few times to go back early but I would get half way through my work out and have a coughing fit!  Then they were closed way to much over Christmas and New Years in my opinion.


I really tried to stay away from Christmas goodies, but I may have had a nibble here and there... and I may have paid for it... here and there.  Was it worth it... No.  But it was Christmas!  And boy am I ever glad it is over!


Now I'm so happy to be back into my routine, back to the gym 5 days a week, back taking my vitamins everyday (thankfully I switched to vitamins that I can swallow because the chewable ones were just awful and I admittedly skipped more than I took lately.)



That is what I take in a week... A lot less then when I was having to take the chewables!!!!!


Ive only lost about 8 pounds in the last month... my weight loss had slowed.. as I knew it would.. but I really think I would have lost more if I had been able to be consistent at the gym and if it wasn't for those darn Christmas goodies!


My new years resolution was to have more self discipline. I'm trying so hard.. but its not always so easy... my gastric bypass is just a tool... I still have to use it right!


Here I am today... a third of who I was 7 months ago!!!!



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on 1/3/12 8:28 am
Topic: RE: When to swallow vitamins
Oh thank god lol!   Thanks ladies!  and my new years was good... quiet but good :) 
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on 1/3/12 7:29 am
Topic: RE: When to swallow vitamins
I cant stand chewable vitamins and I find myself "forgetting or postponing" taking them sometimes because they are so awful.. When did you switch to vitamins that you can just swallow?

I am 7 months out and I have no problems swallowing tylonol.  I was told a pre natel vitamin might be good for us?  maybe if i cut it in two?
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