Mallory’s Posts

on 9/13/06 3:10 am
Topic: RE: Need OH Karma
Awww thank you all. I'm all jittery today. I've eaten but I'm shaking like when my blood sugar is low. But I know it's fine. I thought I was going to work today but I didn't so now I have to wait until 7 p.m. GAH!!! I'm also gagging and feeling nauseous. I know it's nerves. I get this way when I'm stressed out. I'm gonna take a hot bath this afternoon before I go. Marilyn, I used to live in Sudbury and my family (sisters and son) still live there. What part of town are you in? Sidney, thanks for the offer of coffee. I would love to meet up with you. After I post this I'm going to check out your profile. I live in the Beaches, so I'm close to Scarborough. Again, thanks all. I appreciate the welcome and support that I have received from everyone!! *hugz*
on 9/12/06 11:13 am
Topic: RE: Need OH Karma
I go see my PCP with my OHIP forms in hand. He had wanted me to take weight loss pills once before and I refused them, so I don't know how open-minded he will be about surgery. He's young and really good and my psychiatrist is on board so I'm sure things will be fine. But I'm still nervous.
on 9/12/06 3:40 am
Topic: RE: regarding my rant
I think you are right. The older docs feel they seen everything so they don't bother with research. One thing I've learned about my life and my job is that you NEVER stop learning. But I am glad things worked out for you.
on 9/12/06 2:26 am
Topic: RE: Funny saying for morbidly obese...
"Elevated BMI" Too funny!!! Guess they were trying to be polite.
on 9/12/06 2:22 am
Topic: RE: regarding my rant
I bet he didn't want to appear like he didn't know anything while you were there so he waited until afterwards to call Dr. Starr. When I was finding a new doctor after I moved across the province, I ended up with a young doctor, a recent grad. At first I was leery about lack of experience, but at least he is willing to try different stuff and not stick to bleeding me out or putting leeches on me!!! HAHA!! Good luck! I'm sure you'll have a date in no time!!!
on 9/11/06 5:38 am
Topic: RE: He signed, he signed!!!!!
Lots of patients in your local hospital. *runs away giggling* I know, bad AND old joke. Good luck!!! I'm sure you'll have approval back in no time flat!
on 9/11/06 5:30 am
Topic: RE: OH Ontario Christmas Gala - November 24th
My friend is have WLS on the 19th. So I'm going to wait on the tickets until I know how she feels and if she is up for it. I'm sure she will, cuz she'll be 2 months post-op. Unfortunately, I won't be at the meeting. But thank you for asking.
on 9/10/06 2:34 am
Topic: RE: OH Ontario Christmas Gala - November 24th
Nice site! I used to live right next door to that Legion before they tore it down and made condos. So I know exactly how to get there. Will order tickets later on this month or in October.
on 9/10/06 2:21 am
Topic: RE: Some Pictures I'd like to Share!
You look fabulous Dawn. Very pretty outfit!!! You put your last journal entry as August instead of September. How did you get the journaling onto your page?
on 9/7/06 10:17 am
Topic: RE: Coming to Toronto again...
Where are you coming from and where is your doctor?
on 9/7/06 10:16 am
Topic: RE: Sharon Moody Update
Awesome!!! Yay Sharon!!!
on 9/7/06 10:13 am
Wow!!! Speedy Gonzales here!!! Good luck!!!
on 9/7/06 1:51 am
Topic: RE: GUESS WHAT????????????????????
Awesome Debbie!!! Congrats!!!
on 9/7/06 12:12 am
Topic: RE: 6 sleeps.......
Good luck Candace! You could always stop at an Internet cafe too.
on 9/7/06 12:10 am
Good luck!!! Can't wait for an update!
on 9/6/06 4:11 pm
Topic: RE: Plans are in the works.
March 28, 2007. Wowsers.
on 9/6/06 12:05 pm
Topic: RE: Plans are in the works.
Thanks Joyce! I asked my surgeon if I could schedule a tentative date for April 2007 and we are emailing back and forth dates at this time. I wanted April 4th, but he can't do that date. He's suggested April 18th. I've asked for an early date other than a Wednesday (which he said is best) or even the last week of March. So hopefully, I'll hear from him tomorrow and we can set that tentative date. My OH page is going to be so screwy!!! No approval but a date. LOL More good news. I saw my psychiatrist this afternoon and she is on board. She thinks I should definately have the surgery and has said that she will back me up with my GP if necessary. So I think I'm pretty much a shoo-in! Now if only time would go by faster or come into some money!
on 9/6/06 3:10 am
Topic: RE: my road here ends
I'm really sorry about that. Perhaps you should try to apply anyway? Personally, I would not go to Dr. Bernstein. His diet is a starvation diet and there was a report on W5 about it. He says the diet is over 500 calories per day but it's actually 200-500 per day. And most people gain the weight back plus more. I honestly would try to apply for OCC anyway. If you have a good letter from your GP to attach to the application, it might help. Good luck with whatever decision you make!
on 9/6/06 2:52 am
on 9/6/06 2:10 am
Topic: RE: Plans are in the works.
I've chosen my surgery and my surgeon. He is writing my GP and I will be waiting a couple of months to file for OHIP approval as I can't afford my surgery until April/07 at the earliest. But I am feeling confident, that my choices are good ones. I just wish I had the money to do the surgery now! But I know that taking the extra time to plan things and save money will make things go more smoothly. My BFAM (Brother From Another Mother) will be coming with me and taking care of my a$$ afterwards. What a sweetie. And all he wants for it is a can of Easy Cheese. LOL!!! Good luck to those with surgeries coming up and to my friend Christine who is having air flight problems, hang in there! I'm sure it'll all work out. Please, take the train if you have to, don't cancel your surgery!
on 8/30/06 11:09 am
Topic: RE: Wait times?
Wow. 3 months from PCP to surgery. Amazing. I don't know if my PCP will be supportive or not. I've never discussed it with him. I've had other issues to deal with. Depression, diabetes, AUB, etc... On a good note, I did research the Ontario doctors and the doctors in NY. My friend is having surgery with Dr. Goodman in NY soon and told me that he was very nice and well-experienced. I checked it all out and found that I agreed with her so I emailed him. He emailed me back the same day, called me that night and answered ALL my questions. After I told him that I had not made a final decision about the surgery as of yet, he still took the time to talk to me. And even emailed afterwards to say that he enjoyed talking to me and hoped he could work with me. Very professional, IMO. I have some more thinking to do. I'm pretty sure I want the surgery, but need to be 100% before I start applying for coverage and such. Thank you all for your input. It is invaluable. :-)
on 8/29/06 9:22 pm
Topic: RE: Wait times?
Hi Jen: Thanks for your response. Where in the States are you going for your surgery? I see you are going soon!!! May I ask why you chose a DS over an RNY? I'm pretty sure I'm going for an RNY but am curious about the other options. I have looked them over. Also, did OHIP approve your DS or are you self-paying? Thanks again! Mallory
on 8/29/06 1:11 pm
Topic: RE: Wait times?
I am thinking of having WLS done. I know 3 people who have had/are going to have it done in the States due to wait time. I've heard that Dr. Starr here in Toronto is one of the best and has the shortest wait time? Does anyone know more about this? As much as I like the idea of getting the surgery done faster, part of me would rather have it here. Any feedback or 411 would be appreciated.
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